Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week 3, Days 2 & 3

Forgot to blog yesterday! This is hard to remember to do. Both days were icky :-) Tuesday was tons of push-up exercises, and Wednesday was all weights. I stayed after both days and did cardio for 35 to 40 minutes, so at least I got most of my exercise in that way.

Having a hard time with the eating! I love to eat out and it is hard to be precise about what I am eating when I eat out. And the menus! I lean towards carbs, I am supposed to be eating greens and proteins.

No 5 am workout for me tomorrow. I am on vacation and going to the Shedd Aquarium. Will have to fit in a workout sometime.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 3, Day 1 -- Weigh-in day

Well, today was weigh-in day. Again, everyone was down, but not a lot. Some of the other teams are kicking our behinds! Are we not heavy enough or not trying hard enough? Who knows. At this rate, I'll be in for another 12 weeks!

Today was my FAVORITE day, by far. We played dodgeball for the first 20 minutes. I rock at dodgeball. It was great exercise too. We really kept our heart rates up and did calisthenics between games. The remaining time went really fast. Wish we could play a game every day. I even stayed an extra 35 minutes to get in more work since I am on break this week.

Yesterday, went with Matthew for an hour, and played Wii Fit for an hour. Not quite 2 real hours of work, but close to the 1000 calories.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday -- week 2

Almost forgot to post tonight! Had a lot going on today. Yesterday, I got a flat tired driving home from flag football, and today I learned we needed 4 new tires. Took Matthew to basketball, did some laundry, talked to a color consultant (we're going to paint COLORS on our antique white walls), picked up the car, dropped off an old vanity at the Habitat ReStore, worked out for 1.5 hours with Matthew, went grocery shopping, played Wii with Matthew and helped cook dinner.

Working out on the weekend is hard. I have more time (sort of), but I really miss my group and Corey. It's hard to push myself. Thank goodness for my heart rate monitor--I can't cheat that. I either get my heart rate up or I don't. Matthew went with me again, and we played some basketball, played dodgeball, did some running/stairs circuits (He kicked my butt. But to be fair, I've always been a slow runner, skinny or fat). I also did some elliptical and treadmill while he played basketball with one of their trainers.

Only got 1.5 hours in today, but if I work out tomorrow, I can make up for it because Corey was going to give us the day off. I figure one or two hours tomorrow will be equivalent to some of the time I missed during the week.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 2 -- Day 5

First day of vacation from work, but no vacation from the workout. Up I got at 5:00 a.m., out of a dead sleep. I'm finally sleeping and now I'm still getting no sleep!

Today's workout was tolerable until we got to the hand barbells. They were out of 10 pound weights so I told Corey to give me the 15 pound ones. BIG MISTAKE. I completed the first round of lunges, bicep curls and arm presses but couldn't even manage one sit-up. I had to use one barbell instead of two while Corey went to fetch me lighter weights from elsewhere in the gym. I do think I am getting stronger, though, and my cardiovascular fitness is much improved (although, much better to begin with!).

Got another 45 minute cardio workout in while Matthew played flag football, and I'm calling it good for the day. Close enough. Ate pizza too, which is not on the meal plan! But, as I was still at 1385 calories for the day, I think that is pretty good.

Matthew wants to go back to the gym Saturday, so we will probably go in the afternoon. As long as he is enthusiastic about it he can come; it makes it more fun for me, that's for sure! I was going to go in the morning, but a flat tire has changed my plans.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 2, Day 4

My alarm work me up out of a sound sleep today @ 5:00 am. I had only woken up once during the night, which is very unusual for me, but my body definitely needed the sleep.

Today's workout was HARD. We did a lot of work with kettle balls. Corey wouldn't say that we are making any progress, but he did move me up to a 15 lb ball; last week I used a 10 pound ball. I guess that is progress. The hardest part of today's session were when we did lateral squats down the track with the kettle ball between our legs, and then when we stood up we had to raise the kettle ball over our heads and then bend our elbows back so that the kettle ball went behind our backs, working our triceps. Up down, up down, up down -- down the track and back. Then we did lots of push-ups, knee curls, leg lefts and crunches on our stability balls, and some on the ground. All the exercise except the push-ups used the kettle balls. Ugh.

Got my 2nd hour in tonight in only two sessions. 45 minutes of power walking to a DVD after I picked up Matthew and then hula hooping and jogging to the Wii after dinner. What a life I have!

I can definitely say it was easier to get in shape when I was younger and single. I remember the last time I went through something like this. I was 26 years old, had fallen down the stairs at work and twisted my back. I went to the doctor and stepped on the scale and couldn't believe how heavy I was! I worked out after work (note: AFTER) every single day at the YMCA doing cardio and strength training, then I'd go home and roller blade or do something else for an hour. On the weekends, I'd walk 2 miles to get the Sunday paper and then back again. Plus I did the workout at the gym. I would often bike to the gym and then work out and bike home. I walked to work meetings if it was within a 20 minute walk. My refrigerator and pantry only had healthy food. In retrospect, I had the luxury of time and youth. It was so much easier then.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 2, Day 3

Woke up and my back wasn't killing me, so I was happy about that. Yesterday was miserable with my sore back and sore buttocks.

Told Corey what Jim said about me not being a detail person, and he spent even MORE time correcting my form today. Sigh. Bad lunges, bad squats, really bad pushups. My situps are getting better, though! Today we did a circuit that was quite difficult. Had to flip a heavy bag (boxing bag) down a sprint lane and back, do circular arm things and lunges on a weight machine, knee lifts and lunges on a high box, pushups and dips on boxes (really bad at this one), and then squats and weights on another machine for back work. Did this twice, with high knee ladder work in between. Really hard. I tried to get some positive feedback from Corey on our progress, but he wasn't playing that game.

Food has been better today, so that is good. Not sure what I'll do for dinner. It's Subway night for Matthew and Jim since they have guitar lessons.

Another hour to go today. When? When?

Got 20 minutes in through a dvd after work. Another 22 minutes of fast-walking during Matthew's guitar lesson, and 37 minutes of Wii fit jogging, hulu hooping and step aerobics. Probably not how they expected or wanted us to get our 1 hour in, but it was the best I could do today!

Week 2, Day 2

Lots of new exercises today, including lots of situp-crunchie exercises. My core is still weak. I struggle. And afterwards, my lower back was so stiff and sore. Yikes!

Corey has to correct my form a lot. Jim (my husband) laughed and said that didn't suprise him because I am not a detail person. True, very true. But still. And, it's even harder to have good form when you are tired and sore. I think Corey has a tough job. He needs to push us to our limits so that we can have the best results possible, but he also has to be conscious that we do have limits. I am learning that I can usually go further and do more than I think I can.

STARVING all day today. Need more food. I counted the calories up, though, and the nutritionist is right on for where I should be. I must have been (obviously) eating a completely ridiculous amount of food prior to this.

Got in one half hour of my extra hour workout tonight. Trying to find that extra hour is HARD.

Weigh-in #1

Weigh-in didn't go too well today. Corey was not happy. Two of us (me included) lost weight, but not much. I thought we had healthy weight loss, but it was not what they expect from a "biggest loser" type program. He yelled at us about our diets. To be fair, I just started my diet today since I couldn't meet with the nutritionist until Saturday. So, I probably was eating more than I was supposed to although I thought I had been doing well (in retrospect, not that great).

He worked us extra hard today as punishment. Cardio, cardio. And push-ups. I sure hate those darn push-ups.

The new diet is ok. Got my breakfast down, but was starving every couple of hours. Guess that's what the body needs, though. Ate a Kashi Go Lean bar before the workout and didn't crave OJ. Guess the nutritionist was right. Also had grilled salmon for dinner and that was outstanding.

The weekend

We were on our on this weekend. Worked out and met with the nutritionist on Saturday morning. She wrote out a meal plan for me. Doesn't seem like much food, but I'll give it a try! She said the OJ cravings were a result low blood sugar from not eating before I worked out. Sorry, I just haven't been hungry @ 5:00 am. Guess I have to make some time for food.

Matthew went with me on Sunday. He is in better shape than me. He is also a good trainer. We played basketball, climbed the spider web, ran the treadmill, did the elliptical, and used weights and medicine balls for squats, lunges and crunches.

I missed my group. It is hard to be motivated by myself. I don't push myself as hard without a trainer, either.

Slept in past seven both weekend mornings. Not looking forward to Monday morning @ 5:00.

Day 5 -- Last Chance Work Out

Friday was our "last chance" workout with the group and our trainer. We still have to workout 2 hours a day on the weekend by ourselves. Felt good, but looking forward to sleeping in Saturday.

Only three of us present. Meant we worked even harder! No time to rest while the others finish. I can add "balance" to the things that need work.

Got my extra hour workout in while Matthew played flag football tonight. At least it was cardio. I'm good at that. My heart rate monitor also arrived in the mail and I know I burned at least the number of calories I was supposed to today.

Went to bed @ 8:30 again. Feeling old and tired, not 40 and fabulous.

Day 4 -- Have we turned a corner

I woke up today and could walk without pain. Progress? Or a false sense of progress?

Today we finally did an exercise at which I was somewhat competent--the Jacob's Ladder. It is an exercise machine that has horizontal bars like a ladder. The machine moves the ladder down as the person climbs up. I did great! My trainer was suprised; I have not been an icon of fitness in my first 4 days. He said most people fall off within 30 seconds, but I lasted over 2 minutes and could have kept going. Finally! Of course, we followed that up with push-ups, and suffice it to say, that is not my strong suit. Nor are crunches. Or squats. Or lunges. Or toe touches.

I meet with the nutrionist on Saturday. Hopefully that will help. I have been CRAVING orange juice, which seems strange. I am tired.

Day 3 -- the soreness continues

I have learned I have muscles I didn't know I had. I have confirmed that I am abysmally weak in my upper body and core regions. Medicine balls, push-ups, weights, and exercise bands are now my friends. . .I think.

I am so tired I am on autopilot. A few people at work have noticed I have been dragging. My body is so, so tired. And, we are supposed to be getting ANOTHER hour of exercise each day. Apparently the goal is to burn 1000 calories through exercise each day. I am getting up at 5:00 am to get one hour in. . .when am I supposed to find hour number two?

Day 2 -- What was I thinking

5:00 am, the alarm went off and I started my routine again. Driving in the dark across town I wondered what I had been thinking when I signed up to do this. I must have been crazy!

We all walked in sore and tired. Corey didn't care. He kept pushing us. The hardest activity I have ever done we did this day. Lifting up a boxing heavy bag off the ground, with a partner, and then raising it over our heads. And back down. Over and over and over again. Followed by boxing. Ugh. So tired. So sore.

I learned today that one of my group members just gave up smoking before this. Another is in her 3rd, 12 week session; she has already lost almost 80 pounds but has further to go. The commitment to do this is incredible and she is amazing.

Lots of skinny athletic people at the gym, too. They seem to be fascinated by all of us "big loser" participants. Will I be one of them again someday?

A New Beginning

Monday, March 15, 2010 was my day of reckoning. The night before, I packed my work clothes, laid out my workout clothes, and set my alarm for 5:00 am. Yikes! As someone who doesn't sleep well to begin with, the thought of getting up at 5:00 every day for 12 weeks was scary.

Not to worry! I was wide awake at 5:00, just like I had been most of the night. I crept downstairs, got dressed, and was in the car by 5:05 for my 20 minute drive across town. At 5:30 a.m., I met my trainer Corey, and the other four ladies in my group. We started by getting weighed and measured. Ugh. I had lost 42 pounds in 2009 on weight watchers, but learned 10 of those had found their way back. Boo! The measurements sucked, but at least we all know we we are starting from and can be look back with pride in 12 weeks when we see how far we came.

Our first workout just about killed me. Seriously. I thought I was fat, but reasonably fit. Nope! Fat and unfit. This was a full body workout for a full 60 minutes. I was exhausted when I left and the rest of the day.

Went to bed at 8:30 this night. Sore and tired. Not looking forward to 5:00 am.

The week before it all started

There's nothing like the thought of starting a diet and exercise program to make a person eat more. . .and I did! The week before I started my new adventure I ate horribly. I've never met a donut, bagel, or frosted anything I didn't like. Potato chips, brats, and custard -- bring it on! Guess it was my way of saying goodbye and farewell to my old habits. Of course, I was going to pay for this overindulgence the next week -- and I did!

Giving up Diet Coke

My new training regimen was going to be very expensive, and I had no money to spare. So, in honor of my new focus on wellness, I decided to give up Diet Coke on my birthday. I am somewhat embarrased to say that I drank so much Diet Coke each day, that just by giving it up I could almost fund my personal training program in full each month.

I thought giving up Diet Coke would be really, really hard. I have been drinking Diet Coke since the summer before I left for college 22 years ago. I have had at least 32 oz a day since then (except when I was pregnant when I gave it up), usually much, much more. Buying them each day on the way to work, during work, and after work was part of my routine. But it hasn't been hard at all, surprisingly enough.

I was "fortunate" to get the stomach flu three days before my birthday. I couldn't drink Diet Coke for three days. The thought of it made me nauseous. And on the 4th day, it was my birthday. The habit was already broken. I haven't had a Diet Coke since then. I'm amazed at how little money I spend now that I don't drink Diet Coke.

The start of the journey

One day in early March, I walked down the hall at work, past a co-worker, opened a door and started down the stairwell. Something then registered in my head, so I turned back around, opened the door again, and said, "Amy??" (not her real name). I have known this co-worker for several years, but did not recognize her at all the first time I passed her. She looked AMAZING.

I got the courage to ask her what she had done to make such a dramatic difference in her appearance, and she told me about a "Biggest Loser" program she had been doing at a Fitness Center for the past 26 weeks. She forwarded me her trainer's name and email. She told me her experience had been life-altering.

After thinking about it for a while, I thought this might be for me. In 2009, I had set a goal in 2009 of getting "fabulous by forty." I lost 42 pounds on weight watchers towards this goal, but did not meet it. I gained 10 pounds back after a stressful late fall where I soothed my anxiety with fast food and frosting.

That night, I emailed Corey, at Hybrid Fitness in Fitchburg. This is the fitness center that won the Madison-wide biggest Loser competition. It is more a personal training facility than a typical gym or fitness center. I explained who I was, and told him that I wanted to transform myself like "Amy." Upon getting his response, I went to the facility the next day, signed the (very expensive) contract and began the countdown towards my new adventure, starting on March 15. I decided personal training and nutrition would be my 40th birthday present to myself. I am going to be fabulous in my forties.

Making Forty Fabulous

I noticed I was using Facebook to post almost entirely about my new exercise and eating adventure. Rather than clutter that site with all the trials, tribulations and, of course, successes that will come over the next twelve weeks and year, I thought I'd give blogging a try. So I am.

The past 7 years have rightfully been about my raising Matthew and adjusting to being a family of three. But, as much as I have gained from being a mom, I lost a little of "me" too. And, unfortunately, gained a whole lot of me I'd like to lose! So, I've decided to take my fortieth year and rededicate myself to healthy living and eating and doing things I enjoy--for myself.

This blog will be my public journal about what I'm thinking, feeling and progressing during this journey. I hope you'll learn as much from the journey as I hope to.

So excited to start a new decade, my FABULOUS, FORTIETH decade.