Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 5, Day 1

Well, today was the first day I really didn't want to show up @ my workout. Between not having a group on Friday and not really losing much weight, I am just losing my inspiration. I'm also getting really negative and grumpy, when I actually do like what I'm doing, even if I don't enjoy it at all while I'm doing it. . .if that makes any sense.

So, it was weigh-in day and I stayed the same. Or, I lost 2 pounds if he wrote down last week's weight wrong when he said I lost 4 pounds. Either way, I've only lost 5 pounds total while and barely make the scale move while other people are losing 5 and 6 pounds a week. It is getting very frustrating. But, I don't burn as many calories, either. I'm working hard, I'm sweating, my heart rate is getting high, and I'm eating well but I burned about 400 calories this morning and other people in my group were well above 500 and one was at 622! How unfair is that!

I did sign up for the Crazylegs Classic, which is a big run/walk in Madison, as part of the Hybrid Fitness team. I haven't decided for sure if I'm actually going to participate or not. I really hate big crowds. But one of my group members convinced me to sign up. Am I nuts?!?!

I did try ZUMBA yesterday, which is a latin dance/aerobic exercise thing. It was sort of fun and I would do it again. I looked ridiculous though. I have no rhythm and like Jim says, "I'm sexy like a koala bear." Zumba is for pumas.

My goal this week is to be more positive. So, I'll try not to complain as much this week.

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