Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 7 -- the weekend

I have had a really bad food eating weekend so far (to follow my bad food eating Wednesday(. . .and it's only Saturday afternoon! We'll see if I can get back on track. Had a seafood and prime rib buffet with about 5 desserts on Friday night, and a breakfast buffet Saturday morning, and a Jimmy John sub and chips at lunch. I feel like I should roll down the stairs. So full. . .

I did eat fruits and veggies, just all the other stuff too. The breakfast buffet was most noticeably absent of lean protein (except egg white -- YUCK! But it had lots of carbs and fat! I had two slices of bacon, 1 biscuit with gravy, two triangles of french toast, some breakfast potatoes, a 1/2 bowl of cereal, some fruit and some orange juice. No mid-morning snack, but that was about a day's worth of food right there!

On Friday night, had a piece of prime rib, some mashed potatoes, some cajun noodles, cajun seafood chowder (that was AMAZING), scallops in noodles, salad, and fruit. Plus parts of various dessert options and a glass of wine.

I did work out on Friday, even though Corey wasn't there again. Treadmill, elliptical and medicine ball lunges, toe touches, and crunchies.

It was a nice diversion from the last 7 weeks of rigidity, but I need to get back on track.

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