Every year for the last three years my family and I have participated in McFarland's Firecracker 5000 fun run/walk. It's local and the money goes to a good cause. Plus, I really like to walk. This year I signed up the family as usual and we all did our normal non-preparation for the event.
A few days prior to the run/walk a strange idea came into my head--maybe I could run it this year, or at least run part of it! This is a very strange idea, as I hate running more than almost any other exercise, and that include push-ups. I am also not a pretty sight to watch when I am running. I love watching good runners, and their long, lean strides. Beauty in motion to me. My short, squat body is anything but beautiful to watch when running.
On Saturday morning--a beautiful, sunny day--we all went to the track to join 275 other people. We started off running, and I kept going, the entire 3.2 miles. Amazing. I lost my son and husband after about .5 mile, but I got in the rythm of it an kept going. 32 min and 53 sec later, I finished my first "running" 5k. I was on a high all day long and I still can't believe I did it.
The last 4 months of my life have included a lot of time at the gym and not much weight loss, but this was a real accomplishment for me, and something I would not have been able to do prior to all my workouts. I am incredibly happy about this, something so small, but so big at the same time.
Are there more 5ks in the future? I think so, and then maybe a sprint tri? I'm already a good swimmer and biker. The only thing missing was the run. Something to think about. . .
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I'm back -- lifestyle/fitness change, Round 2/3
It's been a couple weeks since I last posted that I was the smallest, biggest loser. I finished my 12 week program and have been kind of floundering around since then. I've been walking the dog, eating poorly, and trying a few exercise ideas out here and there. A few things I've learned the last couple of weeks: Walking the dog is not a good substitute for an hour of functional training every morning, I will never lift a weight, do a push-up, lunge or squat unless someone tells me to, and I actually MISS my morning workout when I don't do it. Who'd have thought that was possible?
So, I've embarked on round 2 (or 3) of my fitness journey. I still have 25 pounds to go to meet my goal. For those of you keeping track, yes, I was very overweight when I started this endeavor a year ago. Getting closer to my goal, and I can feel it, it is so close, but I keep sabotaging myself.
For round 2/3, I'm keeping it local! I am still going to walk the dog each morning and evening, but in addition to that, I have hired Jeremy who trains @ Anytime Fitness to work with my 2 to 3 days a week on functional/strength training. We have an understanding of what I want and need and how I want to be trained, and he has been very respectful of that so far. The other days--and those days too--I will be responsible for the cardio portion of my workout. And that is easier because I like it :-) Even with just two weeks off, I was sore after Tuesday's workout. That amazes me.
I also start Weight Watchers again in a couple of weeks. Food is what is killing me. I need to do better on my food intake. I eat mostly the right foods, but when I deviate, I deviate BADLY -- donuts, cakes, anything with frosting. I don't drink at all, I don't use condiments, I don't snack on chips for the most part. It's sugar/fat/dessert that kills me. I would rather eat a bowl of frosting or whipped cream all by itself than just about anything else in the world. It's always someone's birthday at work. . .I know, I should "just say no!"
My goal is to lose those 25 pounds by October 6. Yes, that's many weeks (about 20) from now, but that would be about 1 lb a week, which is attainable for me. That would put me at a healthy BMI and also officially put me in the "9 months on, 8 years off club." I don't recommend membership to anyone!
So, I've embarked on round 2 (or 3) of my fitness journey. I still have 25 pounds to go to meet my goal. For those of you keeping track, yes, I was very overweight when I started this endeavor a year ago. Getting closer to my goal, and I can feel it, it is so close, but I keep sabotaging myself.
For round 2/3, I'm keeping it local! I am still going to walk the dog each morning and evening, but in addition to that, I have hired Jeremy who trains @ Anytime Fitness to work with my 2 to 3 days a week on functional/strength training. We have an understanding of what I want and need and how I want to be trained, and he has been very respectful of that so far. The other days--and those days too--I will be responsible for the cardio portion of my workout. And that is easier because I like it :-) Even with just two weeks off, I was sore after Tuesday's workout. That amazes me.
I also start Weight Watchers again in a couple of weeks. Food is what is killing me. I need to do better on my food intake. I eat mostly the right foods, but when I deviate, I deviate BADLY -- donuts, cakes, anything with frosting. I don't drink at all, I don't use condiments, I don't snack on chips for the most part. It's sugar/fat/dessert that kills me. I would rather eat a bowl of frosting or whipped cream all by itself than just about anything else in the world. It's always someone's birthday at work. . .I know, I should "just say no!"
My goal is to lose those 25 pounds by October 6. Yes, that's many weeks (about 20) from now, but that would be about 1 lb a week, which is attainable for me. That would put me at a healthy BMI and also officially put me in the "9 months on, 8 years off club." I don't recommend membership to anyone!
Monday, June 7, 2010
The new, new beginning
What's next after the Biggest Loser program? I'm not sure yet! Still weighing a number of options, although for sure it will be more than just walking the dog! After an hour walk this morning I had burned. . .200 calories. Very disappointing -- a little more than 1/2 of what I normally burned with Corey and a little less than 1/3 of what I burned with Ryan! Ugh, those numbers will be hard to replace. I will definitely have to either eat better, find another exercise program I can live with, or both!
The Smallest Biggest Loser :-)
Last Friday I finished my 12 week Biggest Loser program. I told you I wasn't a quitter! Suffice it to say, I was NOT the Biggest Loser. In fact, I may have been the Smallest Loser since they started the progam! I have no idea what my final numbers are because I don't have my starting numbers, except for my weight. I could get them, but in the big scheme of things, they don't really matter. Suffice it to say, I lost more than 10 pounds, less than 20. I lost more inches than weight. By comparison, a woman in my latest group has lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks (and no, she is not hugely obese). I suck :-)
I have no one to blame for being the "smallest loser" except myself. While I dutifully showed up every morning (except 2) and completed my hour of exercise, I did not dutifully get my extra hour in every day and I did not restrict my diet as much as I should have. I was much more diligent at the beginning of the program than at the end, but after 6 weeks of 2-a-days and following the diet plan and pretty minimal weight-loss results (did better on the inches), I kind of slacked off. For example, that coffee cake I ate at work yesterday and the General Tso's Chinese food I ate last night. . .definitely not on the nutrition plan. My homemade salad I had at lunch (spinach, mixed greens, grilled chicken, strawberries, blueberries, and feta cheese)-- now that was a good effort! My eating, while definitely not perfect and probably still a nutritionist's nightmare, is much better than it was, though. I am eating better breakfasts, many more fruits and veggies, and more lean protein. I am snacking less (but still some) on empty carb and sugar loaded treats. I haven't had pizza in weeks. I'm still a boredom eater though. I need to focus more on controlling that.
That said, I am still completely happy I did the program as my birthday present to myself and very happy with the results!! It was great overall, despite my daily struggles with the exercises and my trainer for the first 11 1/2 weeks. I am much stronger and more fit than I was when I started, despite not meeting my weight-loss goal. Today, I did tons of pushups and crunchy type things with a medicine ball without even being that tired at the end. Who would've thought I would be able to do 20+ pushups in a row? Not me! I even ran up and down a very big hill today -- IN THE RAIN -- and survived. I have dropped 2 clothing sizes, which is pretty good considering the minimal weight-loss. I successfully lost all the weight I had gained back (after Weight Watchers) when my dad and grandma were sick late last year. During that time I was stress-eating constantly. Heck, I even overate the disgusting Thanksgiving dinner they served at the hospital! Note to dad and grandma (and everyone else I love and care about) -- STAY HEALTHY!!! My health apparently depends on your health :-)
I also learned that "not having time" for exercise is just an excuse. Getting up @ 5 am (and then @ 4:25 am) sucked. I complained about it every day. But, it certainly was possible, and I wasn't any MORE tired than I was when I just stayed in bed. This morning I was so energized after the workout I was in disbelief when I looked at the clock in the car and it read 6:15. Seriously, 12 weeks ago I wouldn't have even been out of bed @ 6:15, and I would have been exhausted all day. And there are other ways to get exercise in, too. I walk the hill @ work at lunch. Women on my floor walk laps around the floor on their breaks. I walk to soccer games. I can run around the backyard with Matthew instead of sitting in front of the computer surfing my boards (which I love to do). There is time for exercise, it's just a matter of committing to it.
What's next for me? I have no idea at this point. There are so many ideas going through my head. I still have about 25 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight, which would put me in the upper range of a "normal" BMI for my height (but still nowhere near my lowest weight -- which I attained when I was 27 years old). I shed the obese label, but I don't want to be "overweight" either -- I want to be healthy. I have morning dog walking (or possibly running) duty in my future, but in reality, that is not enough exercise to burn the type of calories that I need to burn. There are morning bootcamp options in McFarland, and there are morning group exercise classes in fitness centers near and far. I could also just hie thee to the nearest fitness center and continue on my own. However, I think I've proven over the last 7 years that I am not motivated enough and do not push myself hard enough to do this on my own. I really like the group aspect. To be perfectly honest, the program costing major money was also a huge motivator. Not going to a fitness center that is costing $30/month is pretty easy to do. Not attending a fitness program costing hundreds of dollars a month is much harder; this program cost real money. Lots of options and choices on the exercise front and I'll make a decision soon.
As for the eating. . .well, I need to get back on the good eating bandwagon. That would be a lot easier if I like vegetables and enjoyed cooking. I was pretty successful at Weight Watchers when I did it (fell off the wagon when my dad got hurt), and maybe I should just start-up again. It has the weekly accountability factor that the Biggest Loser program did, and it offers a lot of positive reinforcement, which I have determined I really need. Sometimes I need praise for not making the worst possible choice, even if I could have made a better choice.
Finally (after all of this) a shout out to some special people who helped get me through all this with their support.
To Jim and Matthew -- I love you both more than anything and thank you for giving me 12 weeks where I was long gone before you even got up. Those morning phone calls perked me up when I'd arrive at work exhausted and (sometimes) mad. Matthew, if being a fish biologist doesn't work out for you when you are older, you could always be a trainer. Sometimes you were harder on me than Corey!
To Jenny and Amy, and the other Biggest Loser participants: Thank you for your support and for letting me join your group at the end! My final three days were my favorite three days. You guys ROCK!!!! You know how hard this is and your success and dedication is so motivating and inspirational. Keep it up. Attain your goals. Keep Ryan in check. Don't be me :-)
To all my other friends who have followed my journey: THANK YOU for your positive feedback and support. When I wasn't getting the positive reinforcement I needed from my trainer, I could always count on you guys to give me a push, nudge me forward, encourage me to keep going. Some of you I see daily and some I haven't seen in 20 years. Some of you are in great shape and have never struggled with your weight. Some of you have always struggled with your weight. And, some of you are like me. . .former athletes, formerly in good shape, who couldn't keep it all together with kids, a full-time job, volunteer work and all the other responsibilities of modern life. I appreciate ALL of your support more than you can possibly ever know.
I have no one to blame for being the "smallest loser" except myself. While I dutifully showed up every morning (except 2) and completed my hour of exercise, I did not dutifully get my extra hour in every day and I did not restrict my diet as much as I should have. I was much more diligent at the beginning of the program than at the end, but after 6 weeks of 2-a-days and following the diet plan and pretty minimal weight-loss results (did better on the inches), I kind of slacked off. For example, that coffee cake I ate at work yesterday and the General Tso's Chinese food I ate last night. . .definitely not on the nutrition plan. My homemade salad I had at lunch (spinach, mixed greens, grilled chicken, strawberries, blueberries, and feta cheese)-- now that was a good effort! My eating, while definitely not perfect and probably still a nutritionist's nightmare, is much better than it was, though. I am eating better breakfasts, many more fruits and veggies, and more lean protein. I am snacking less (but still some) on empty carb and sugar loaded treats. I haven't had pizza in weeks. I'm still a boredom eater though. I need to focus more on controlling that.
That said, I am still completely happy I did the program as my birthday present to myself and very happy with the results!! It was great overall, despite my daily struggles with the exercises and my trainer for the first 11 1/2 weeks. I am much stronger and more fit than I was when I started, despite not meeting my weight-loss goal. Today, I did tons of pushups and crunchy type things with a medicine ball without even being that tired at the end. Who would've thought I would be able to do 20+ pushups in a row? Not me! I even ran up and down a very big hill today -- IN THE RAIN -- and survived. I have dropped 2 clothing sizes, which is pretty good considering the minimal weight-loss. I successfully lost all the weight I had gained back (after Weight Watchers) when my dad and grandma were sick late last year. During that time I was stress-eating constantly. Heck, I even overate the disgusting Thanksgiving dinner they served at the hospital! Note to dad and grandma (and everyone else I love and care about) -- STAY HEALTHY!!! My health apparently depends on your health :-)
I also learned that "not having time" for exercise is just an excuse. Getting up @ 5 am (and then @ 4:25 am) sucked. I complained about it every day. But, it certainly was possible, and I wasn't any MORE tired than I was when I just stayed in bed. This morning I was so energized after the workout I was in disbelief when I looked at the clock in the car and it read 6:15. Seriously, 12 weeks ago I wouldn't have even been out of bed @ 6:15, and I would have been exhausted all day. And there are other ways to get exercise in, too. I walk the hill @ work at lunch. Women on my floor walk laps around the floor on their breaks. I walk to soccer games. I can run around the backyard with Matthew instead of sitting in front of the computer surfing my boards (which I love to do). There is time for exercise, it's just a matter of committing to it.
What's next for me? I have no idea at this point. There are so many ideas going through my head. I still have about 25 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight, which would put me in the upper range of a "normal" BMI for my height (but still nowhere near my lowest weight -- which I attained when I was 27 years old). I shed the obese label, but I don't want to be "overweight" either -- I want to be healthy. I have morning dog walking (or possibly running) duty in my future, but in reality, that is not enough exercise to burn the type of calories that I need to burn. There are morning bootcamp options in McFarland, and there are morning group exercise classes in fitness centers near and far. I could also just hie thee to the nearest fitness center and continue on my own. However, I think I've proven over the last 7 years that I am not motivated enough and do not push myself hard enough to do this on my own. I really like the group aspect. To be perfectly honest, the program costing major money was also a huge motivator. Not going to a fitness center that is costing $30/month is pretty easy to do. Not attending a fitness program costing hundreds of dollars a month is much harder; this program cost real money. Lots of options and choices on the exercise front and I'll make a decision soon.
As for the eating. . .well, I need to get back on the good eating bandwagon. That would be a lot easier if I like vegetables and enjoyed cooking. I was pretty successful at Weight Watchers when I did it (fell off the wagon when my dad got hurt), and maybe I should just start-up again. It has the weekly accountability factor that the Biggest Loser program did, and it offers a lot of positive reinforcement, which I have determined I really need. Sometimes I need praise for not making the worst possible choice, even if I could have made a better choice.
Finally (after all of this) a shout out to some special people who helped get me through all this with their support.
To Jim and Matthew -- I love you both more than anything and thank you for giving me 12 weeks where I was long gone before you even got up. Those morning phone calls perked me up when I'd arrive at work exhausted and (sometimes) mad. Matthew, if being a fish biologist doesn't work out for you when you are older, you could always be a trainer. Sometimes you were harder on me than Corey!
To Jenny and Amy, and the other Biggest Loser participants: Thank you for your support and for letting me join your group at the end! My final three days were my favorite three days. You guys ROCK!!!! You know how hard this is and your success and dedication is so motivating and inspirational. Keep it up. Attain your goals. Keep Ryan in check. Don't be me :-)
To all my other friends who have followed my journey: THANK YOU for your positive feedback and support. When I wasn't getting the positive reinforcement I needed from my trainer, I could always count on you guys to give me a push, nudge me forward, encourage me to keep going. Some of you I see daily and some I haven't seen in 20 years. Some of you are in great shape and have never struggled with your weight. Some of you have always struggled with your weight. And, some of you are like me. . .former athletes, formerly in good shape, who couldn't keep it all together with kids, a full-time job, volunteer work and all the other responsibilities of modern life. I appreciate ALL of your support more than you can possibly ever know.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week 12, Day 4
Only one more day to go and my 12 weeks are over!!! I can't believe it. Time crawled and then went really fast. The amazing thing is that my workout today was as hard for me as the first week. I know I have definitely gotten stronger and progressed but the trainer is able to keep it hard.
Today we did a lot of cardio again (2 more times up and down the hill), and also did some dumbbell and kettle ball stuff. Pushups down the floor ladder with arm curls. Nice. . . Not to mention running around the building with 10 pound weights in each hand. We all remarked how weird it was to think that we had each lost more than 2x that but it seemed so heavy while running! Pushup burpees with a Bosu ball followed by a bunny-hop.
Tomorrow we get to play basketball. I'm psyched. This has been a good way to end my 12 weeks. I'm very happy.
Today we did a lot of cardio again (2 more times up and down the hill), and also did some dumbbell and kettle ball stuff. Pushups down the floor ladder with arm curls. Nice. . . Not to mention running around the building with 10 pound weights in each hand. We all remarked how weird it was to think that we had each lost more than 2x that but it seemed so heavy while running! Pushup burpees with a Bosu ball followed by a bunny-hop.
Tomorrow we get to play basketball. I'm psyched. This has been a good way to end my 12 weeks. I'm very happy.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Week 12, Day 3
I've been kind of schizoid about my workouts the last week! I've done four workouts with four different trainers in two different locations! Yikes!! Today was fun. I officially switched training groups for my last three days of the Biggest Loser program. Ryan is my new trainer, and I really like him. It's all good, except the 4:25 am wake-up call. Holy cow that is early. It was worth it though, today. I burned almost 700 calories in the same amount of time I usually burn 300-350. That is CRAZY. Lots of running, though. Not sure I loved that, but for 3 days. . . I can handle it for 3 days, especially if I lose some weight!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
New beginnings
I haven't posted in a while and have been trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I'm now in my 12th week of the Biggest Loser program, but am no longer with my original trainer. That's right, Corey and I parted ways last Thursday. The reasons why don't need to be explained any further, and most everyone who reads this blog knows why anyway. Suffice it to say, I am extremely grateful for the 11 weeks of expert fitness advice he provided, but happy to be moving in a different direction that is more compatible with my personality and lifestyle. I'm a little sad that I had to leave my group and that I don't have my starting numbers from 11 weeks ago, but if I really wanted them I could probably get them. I guess it doesn't really matter. In all honesty, it's pretty easy to tell if my weight and inches are going up or down.
Let it be known that I am NOT a quitter and was NOT looking for any excuse to quit, and HAVE NOT quit, despite what my previous trainer said. I may have severed my relationship with my trainer, but I am still committed to completing the program and moving forward with my lifestyle change. Beginning last Friday, I began training with Dustin Maher (& his other trainers) @ his Fit Fun for Life Bootcamps. The major upsides: the location is less than 5 minutes from my house (instead of 25 minutes away), the times work for me, I can shower at home, and there is no evangelizing :) The biggest downsides are that there is a much larger workout group and that there is no fitness center connected to the program. I liked that I could go to Hybrid Fitness and do traditional exercises in addition to the "bootcamp." Plus, I have to apply bug spray! Overall, though, the workouts are about the same. I'm beginning to realize that there are only so many possible variations on the bootcamp theme and boot camp exercises.
The last two workouts I felt so free and so much more joyful. In retrospect, I really needed to make the switch and probably should have made it sooner. Even though I was paying for the privilege of working out, I should have realized that I didn't need to pay for the privilege of working out with one specific person if it wasn't working for me (or for him, if I am being at all truthful). It's just like choosing a hair dresser, doctor, or financial planner: you try people out and hope it is a good fit and if it isn't, you move on. Hopefully, this new situation will be a good fit. And if it isn't, it appears the personal training industry in the Madison area is booming. Someone ought to be a good fit for me, right?
So, I will officially end my Biggest Loser program at the end of this week, but I will continue on. I actually like the exercise, and while I haven't done a perfect job controlling my eating, I have done much better on the program than I did off of it. It's been all good. . .except the bad parts :-)
UPDATE: I will be finishing my last three days at my original fitness center, but with a different trainer. Very excited, except for the 4:25 am wake-up call!
Let it be known that I am NOT a quitter and was NOT looking for any excuse to quit, and HAVE NOT quit, despite what my previous trainer said. I may have severed my relationship with my trainer, but I am still committed to completing the program and moving forward with my lifestyle change. Beginning last Friday, I began training with Dustin Maher (& his other trainers) @ his Fit Fun for Life Bootcamps. The major upsides: the location is less than 5 minutes from my house (instead of 25 minutes away), the times work for me, I can shower at home, and there is no evangelizing :) The biggest downsides are that there is a much larger workout group and that there is no fitness center connected to the program. I liked that I could go to Hybrid Fitness and do traditional exercises in addition to the "bootcamp." Plus, I have to apply bug spray! Overall, though, the workouts are about the same. I'm beginning to realize that there are only so many possible variations on the bootcamp theme and boot camp exercises.
The last two workouts I felt so free and so much more joyful. In retrospect, I really needed to make the switch and probably should have made it sooner. Even though I was paying for the privilege of working out, I should have realized that I didn't need to pay for the privilege of working out with one specific person if it wasn't working for me (or for him, if I am being at all truthful). It's just like choosing a hair dresser, doctor, or financial planner: you try people out and hope it is a good fit and if it isn't, you move on. Hopefully, this new situation will be a good fit. And if it isn't, it appears the personal training industry in the Madison area is booming. Someone ought to be a good fit for me, right?
So, I will officially end my Biggest Loser program at the end of this week, but I will continue on. I actually like the exercise, and while I haven't done a perfect job controlling my eating, I have done much better on the program than I did off of it. It's been all good. . .except the bad parts :-)
UPDATE: I will be finishing my last three days at my original fitness center, but with a different trainer. Very excited, except for the 4:25 am wake-up call!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Week 11, Day 2
8 days left. . .not that I'm counting or anything! What I've learned from this experience is that exercise is not my problem. I can do it, I basically enjoy the act of exercising (if not all the specific exercises themselves), and it makes me feel good. It has not helped me sleep better, but I do have more energy.
The food side of the equation is still a challenge for me! I make lots of bad food choices. I was good for several weeks, but it is hard for me to keep up the good food choices over time. I crave sweet (frostings, pastries, etc) more than anything.
The food side of the equation is still a challenge for me! I make lots of bad food choices. I was good for several weeks, but it is hard for me to keep up the good food choices over time. I crave sweet (frostings, pastries, etc) more than anything.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Week 11, Day1
Showed up late today on purpose so I wouldn't have to weigh-in. How grown-up of me was THAT!? Not very. The workout was good today, though, and it was good to have one of our group members back. Another group member had to drop out last week, so we are down to three! I'm going to try to maintain my weight or go down slightly these last two weeks. Then, I'm on to a new adventure. Dog walking, plus either local bootcamps or a more local personal trainer 3 days a week. Haven't decided which yet. . .Morning works better than evenings, but I'm sure tired of getting up @ 5. Even 5:30 would be better, right?
Friday, May 21, 2010
10 weeks down
Finished my 10 week of M-F workouts today. Only 10 more to do! I seem to be getting more tired, but also more feisty with Corey. I was definitely in a challenging mode this week. I did ok with my workouts, but really badly on the food side. That is my struggle, my constant companion of a struggle. I wish I could work out for about 6 hours a day this weekend because I do NOT want to see the scale on Monday. It's bad enough having to justify my 1 pound losses, I don't want to have to address and increas! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Totally off-subject
So today I chaperoned my son's first grade field trip. For all of you out there who think teaching is an easy job, let me tell you it is not. His class is crazy. A grandparent and I had 9 kids, and the teacher had the other 8. She SPLIT UP the class, so that the groups were roughly even personality wise. These kids, who are all nice individually, are just crazy. So much talking and disrespectful behaviour. I was constantly having to talk to the kids, stare at them, put my hand on their heads, TURN THEIR HEADS, gently guide them back into their seats, remind them about the rules. Constantly. For 1.5 hours. I was totally exhausted at the end. The three worst out-of-control kids (in my group -- remember, his teacher also had at least three out-of-control kids) really ruined the experience for the other kids because we had to spend so much time waiting for them to behave. I can't imagin having to have dealt with that every day for the past year. Seriously, it was that bad, and so much work that it wasn't even fun. I feel really sorry for the well-behaved kids, who have probably suffered all year long.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Week 10, Day 1
Starting the last quarter of my program -- 1st day of week 10. Had a good workout today, and a nice walk with the dog. Feel sick, though. My head feels like it is going to explode. I shouldn't have used up my "skip" days last week, since I really feel like missing tomorrow! Guess that will show me.
Down 1 pound this week, for a total of 12. It's definitely not peeling off, but I have lost weight every week, so that is good. I'm happy with that!
Down 1 pound this week, for a total of 12. It's definitely not peeling off, but I have lost weight every week, so that is good. I'm happy with that!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Week 9, Days 5 & 6
I can't believe I only have three more weeks. Crazy. This experience was definitely a good birthday present to myself. There is nothing better than making an investment in my mental and physical health.
I showed up on Friday--a nice sunny, warm morning after the four days of cold wet weather. I had a workout partner which was nice. The other two ladies I knew were going to be gone. I told Corey I had no excuse for missing Thursday except that I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. I made that choice.
On Friday, we did weights. Booooooo. Then I walked the dog for over an hour at night so the rabbit could be out of her cage and play. On Saturday, I walked the dog for over an hour in the morning and for about an hour at night. I still didn't burn as many calories as I do during the week because I am up fewer hours. The dog (and skittish rabbit) are good for me, though.
I showed up on Friday--a nice sunny, warm morning after the four days of cold wet weather. I had a workout partner which was nice. The other two ladies I knew were going to be gone. I told Corey I had no excuse for missing Thursday except that I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. I made that choice.
On Friday, we did weights. Booooooo. Then I walked the dog for over an hour at night so the rabbit could be out of her cage and play. On Saturday, I walked the dog for over an hour in the morning and for about an hour at night. I still didn't burn as many calories as I do during the week because I am up fewer hours. The dog (and skittish rabbit) are good for me, though.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Week 9, days 3 & 4
I am so bad!!! I skipped again today. I have been so exhausted, and with the rain, and dark dreary morning, I just turned off the alarm and went back for another very needed hour of sleep. I did take the dog for a walk this morning (short) and I will do something tonight. I have reached my personal level of exhaustion and something had to go. I will be there tomorrow, though, and will work extra hard getting in extra exercise this weekend.
Yesterday's workout was good. We did some different exercises that were quite strange, but good. We also did some cardio, and I am always very happy the days we do cardio.
The weight keeps inching down slowly, so all is good. Slow is ok, right? It took me 7 years to get here, after all :-)
Yesterday's workout was good. We did some different exercises that were quite strange, but good. We also did some cardio, and I am always very happy the days we do cardio.
The weight keeps inching down slowly, so all is good. Slow is ok, right? It took me 7 years to get here, after all :-)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Week 9, Days 1 & 2
Did better than I thought last week. Down 1.5 for a total of 11.5 pounds. Seems like an ok total until I heard that the woman who was the biggest loser for the other group that just finished their 12 weeks lost 50 pounds! She lost 8 pounds the last week. Of course, she was also spending 6-8 hours a day at the gym that week, but still, that averages over 4 pounds a week, while I have averaged 1.4. If I continue to average 1.4, I would end up at about 17 pounds, which is not even 10%, compared to her over 20% lost. Oh well, she put in more effort, she SHOULD get better results.
Today, I skipped for the first time. I am so exhausted, I felt that sleep was a better choice, and life is all about choices, right? Plus, I didn't feel like driving in the rain across town, etc. . .So, somehow I have to make up to exercise sessions worth of activity in a very rainy week. I wonder if Macey will like the basement :-)
Today, I skipped for the first time. I am so exhausted, I felt that sleep was a better choice, and life is all about choices, right? Plus, I didn't feel like driving in the rain across town, etc. . .So, somehow I have to make up to exercise sessions worth of activity in a very rainy week. I wonder if Macey will like the basement :-)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Week 8-- the weekend and Macey's arrival!
This was the end of my 8th week. I don't feel like I did too well this week. I ate badly and didn't get all of my exercise in. Oh well. I'm kind of feeling like I've done all I can do on the biggest loser program. I will continue to get daily exercise (I like that part of the program), and I will continue to eat better than I had been. Outside of that, unless I am willing to make even more drastic lifetstyle changes, I'm at the end of the road. . .
EXCEPT, for our new journey, with Macey, our new dog. That's right, we adopted a black lab/husky mix this weekend. Matthew has been yearning for a dog for two years. Jim said he could get a dog when he turned 8, but I didn't want to get a dog in October, so we agreed on the end of first grade. Well, 1st grade ends in 23 days, so we started looking, and found a dog that seemed like a good fit for our family.
She is so great. Really well-behaved, knows some commands, isn't jumpy or slobbery, and just a nice dog. Snickers, our rabbit, is terrified of her, but Macey has been good about ignoring her. We just have to get Snickers to understand that she is here for good and that we won't let Macey eat her.
My job, in 4 weeks, is to walk her in the morning. That is what I will be doing instead of the Biggest Loser program. I can't wait!! I LOVE to walk long and fast, but I've always been scared to go out in the morning by myself. I can't wait to be able to go with Macey. Then, I'll have to get some strength training in someplace.
EXCEPT, for our new journey, with Macey, our new dog. That's right, we adopted a black lab/husky mix this weekend. Matthew has been yearning for a dog for two years. Jim said he could get a dog when he turned 8, but I didn't want to get a dog in October, so we agreed on the end of first grade. Well, 1st grade ends in 23 days, so we started looking, and found a dog that seemed like a good fit for our family.
She is so great. Really well-behaved, knows some commands, isn't jumpy or slobbery, and just a nice dog. Snickers, our rabbit, is terrified of her, but Macey has been good about ignoring her. We just have to get Snickers to understand that she is here for good and that we won't let Macey eat her.
My job, in 4 weeks, is to walk her in the morning. That is what I will be doing instead of the Biggest Loser program. I can't wait!! I LOVE to walk long and fast, but I've always been scared to go out in the morning by myself. I can't wait to be able to go with Macey. Then, I'll have to get some strength training in someplace.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Week 8, Days 2 & 3
Yesterday I did TWO bootcamps sessions. Yes, two. One in the morning with Corey and one in the pm in McFarland. Fortunately, they were quite different and worked different muscle groups. But I was drop-dead bone tired by 8:00 pm.
I am beginning to enjoy the exercise now, and kind of look forward to it. Only 4 more weeks of my program, and I am feeling restless about the end. Can I keep it going without the group? And more importantly, without my trainer? Our two days without Corey showed me that I definitely do not do strength training when not pushed to do so.
I really want to continue, but the money -- Ugh. And the drive -- double ugh! I should be able to do something like this closer to home, but I'm not sure. I really like Hybrid Fitness' philosophy, gym, and staff. They are just different from any other fitness center I have ever been too.
My goal for the next four weeks is to focus on my eating. I truly believe that food is 80% of the battle, and I'm still not winning that one completely. I'm trying though! Although apparently not hard enough. After writing this in the morning, I enjoyed ice cream as part of employee recognition day. Bad Jenni!
I am beginning to enjoy the exercise now, and kind of look forward to it. Only 4 more weeks of my program, and I am feeling restless about the end. Can I keep it going without the group? And more importantly, without my trainer? Our two days without Corey showed me that I definitely do not do strength training when not pushed to do so.
I really want to continue, but the money -- Ugh. And the drive -- double ugh! I should be able to do something like this closer to home, but I'm not sure. I really like Hybrid Fitness' philosophy, gym, and staff. They are just different from any other fitness center I have ever been too.
My goal for the next four weeks is to focus on my eating. I truly believe that food is 80% of the battle, and I'm still not winning that one completely. I'm trying though! Although apparently not hard enough. After writing this in the morning, I enjoyed ice cream as part of employee recognition day. Bad Jenni!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Week 8, Day 1 -- Deserted again!
My team deserted me again today. Started out with another low weigh-in (seems to be my pattern -- small, small, big--although this time it could be partly attributed to my food choices) and one other teammate. However, she deserted me halfway through one of the exercises! It was a very abrupt departure, so I am hoping she is ok, physically, mentally and spiritually. So, I got Corey to myself for the rest of the session. I actually do burn more calories when I am one-on-one with him, but I don't know if that is because there is less downtime since I don't have to wait for anyone or because he works me harder. My form is still bad, so I appreciate the extra attention to my form.
I think I am going to try a Zumba class in McFarland tonight. I have to figure out a way to keep going after my 12 weeks are up in early June. I'd like to continue, but it is pretty pricey. If I can do it on my own, I'd like to try!
I think I am going to try a Zumba class in McFarland tonight. I have to figure out a way to keep going after my 12 weeks are up in early June. I'd like to continue, but it is pretty pricey. If I can do it on my own, I'd like to try!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Week 7 -- the weekend
I have had a really bad food eating weekend so far (to follow my bad food eating Wednesday(. . .and it's only Saturday afternoon! We'll see if I can get back on track. Had a seafood and prime rib buffet with about 5 desserts on Friday night, and a breakfast buffet Saturday morning, and a Jimmy John sub and chips at lunch. I feel like I should roll down the stairs. So full. . .
I did eat fruits and veggies, just all the other stuff too. The breakfast buffet was most noticeably absent of lean protein (except egg white -- YUCK! But it had lots of carbs and fat! I had two slices of bacon, 1 biscuit with gravy, two triangles of french toast, some breakfast potatoes, a 1/2 bowl of cereal, some fruit and some orange juice. No mid-morning snack, but that was about a day's worth of food right there!
On Friday night, had a piece of prime rib, some mashed potatoes, some cajun noodles, cajun seafood chowder (that was AMAZING), scallops in noodles, salad, and fruit. Plus parts of various dessert options and a glass of wine.
I did work out on Friday, even though Corey wasn't there again. Treadmill, elliptical and medicine ball lunges, toe touches, and crunchies.
It was a nice diversion from the last 7 weeks of rigidity, but I need to get back on track.
I did eat fruits and veggies, just all the other stuff too. The breakfast buffet was most noticeably absent of lean protein (except egg white -- YUCK! But it had lots of carbs and fat! I had two slices of bacon, 1 biscuit with gravy, two triangles of french toast, some breakfast potatoes, a 1/2 bowl of cereal, some fruit and some orange juice. No mid-morning snack, but that was about a day's worth of food right there!
On Friday night, had a piece of prime rib, some mashed potatoes, some cajun noodles, cajun seafood chowder (that was AMAZING), scallops in noodles, salad, and fruit. Plus parts of various dessert options and a glass of wine.
I did work out on Friday, even though Corey wasn't there again. Treadmill, elliptical and medicine ball lunges, toe touches, and crunchies.
It was a nice diversion from the last 7 weeks of rigidity, but I need to get back on track.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Week 7, Day 4
Yesterday just about killed me. Not just the workout, though. I left home @ 5:00 am and got home @ 8:45 pm. Yes, almost 16 hours after I left home I got back home. And then I put my son to bed and went to bed. What a life. Workout was fine that morning, but I had a terrible eating day. Monday is not going to be good news next week.
Today Corey was sick so we were on our own! After 2-3 minutes of my group discussing whether or not we would actually stay to work out(How's that for commitment?) we all jumped on the treadmills. After 15 minutes I was sooooo bored, so another gal and I went outside to "run the hill" while the other two stayed inside and did weights with a "Biggest Loser" graduate. I expected we would kind of gently jog down the hill and then powerwalk back up it, butb My friend and I actually RAN THE HILL with the non-Biggest Loser workout group. I couldn't believe it! Their leader encouraged us to run with them and we did! I almost died for the second time in two days. That was seriously hard (remember, I am a terrible runner) but I did it.
I am definitely noticing that I am a person who needs a very positive, encouraging person as my trainer. Some people need an "in your face", challenging trainer. Some people want someone who is all business -- no joking around. I need someone very personable, and encouraging who will give me my daily pat on the back for showing up and trying and who can give me great encouragement to keep going. I also really like the trainers who actually do the workouts with us so I can look at their form and also know they aren't asking me to do anything they aren't willing to do.
Today Corey was sick so we were on our own! After 2-3 minutes of my group discussing whether or not we would actually stay to work out(How's that for commitment?) we all jumped on the treadmills. After 15 minutes I was sooooo bored, so another gal and I went outside to "run the hill" while the other two stayed inside and did weights with a "Biggest Loser" graduate. I expected we would kind of gently jog down the hill and then powerwalk back up it, butb My friend and I actually RAN THE HILL with the non-Biggest Loser workout group. I couldn't believe it! Their leader encouraged us to run with them and we did! I almost died for the second time in two days. That was seriously hard (remember, I am a terrible runner) but I did it.
I am definitely noticing that I am a person who needs a very positive, encouraging person as my trainer. Some people need an "in your face", challenging trainer. Some people want someone who is all business -- no joking around. I need someone very personable, and encouraging who will give me my daily pat on the back for showing up and trying and who can give me great encouragement to keep going. I also really like the trainers who actually do the workouts with us so I can look at their form and also know they aren't asking me to do anything they aren't willing to do.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Week 7, Day 2
My muscles have been really tired the last two days. Not sure why that is. I've been exhausted before I've even started! Today we were all in a good mood from the positive numbers we saw yesterday. Which was a good thing, because Corey decided to step it up a notch today! We did some really hard exercises using a stability ball. . .and yes, they included push-ups! Yuck. We also did the Jacob's ladder, boxing, medicine ball stuff, and some crunch type exercises using the kettle ball. Corey had a good tip for mastering the Jacob's Ladder, which is one of my better exercises to begin with. He suggests we NOT watch the time on the machine, but pick a spot to look at far off in the distance. He said it makes the time go faster. . .and it does. It was a great suggestion.
The other Biggest Loser group is in week 11! They have all signed up for session #2. I don't know if I can afford another session. The money aspect of it is definitely a major reason why I show up everyday, though!
The other funny part of today was the triathlete coach who was teaching the bootcamp for "regular" people. He was so loud, and so militaristic, we were all cracking up. "Hup down, Hup down, Hup down. That's Hup DOWN, not just Hup." Kudos to him, though, for doing every exercise he expected to his students to do.
Did a 5 mile workout to a Leslie Sansone video this evening. Didn't get me to 1000 calories, but it was something, anyway! I love her workout DVDs because she has normal looking people, who aren't skin and bones on them. The people on her videos range from their 20's to their 70's and have all lost weight walking. She stresses activity and movement, not perfection. I like her style.
The other Biggest Loser group is in week 11! They have all signed up for session #2. I don't know if I can afford another session. The money aspect of it is definitely a major reason why I show up everyday, though!
The other funny part of today was the triathlete coach who was teaching the bootcamp for "regular" people. He was so loud, and so militaristic, we were all cracking up. "Hup down, Hup down, Hup down. That's Hup DOWN, not just Hup." Kudos to him, though, for doing every exercise he expected to his students to do.
Did a 5 mile workout to a Leslie Sansone video this evening. Didn't get me to 1000 calories, but it was something, anyway! I love her workout DVDs because she has normal looking people, who aren't skin and bones on them. The people on her videos range from their 20's to their 70's and have all lost weight walking. She stresses activity and movement, not perfection. I like her style.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Week 7, Day 1 and "The results are in"
Today was a HAPPY day at the gym. Finally had some real numbers with real results (besides losing pounds). I also had a big week last week. I seem to be in a pattern of two small weeks, one big week. Everyone loses weight differently, this must be how my body allows itself to shed fat.
So, the six-week results are . . . down 9 lbs (only half of my 6 week goal -- boo!), BUT, down 2.5" on my hips, 3" off the waist, 4.5" off each thigh, and .5" off each arm -- that's 15.5" off those areas. Yay!! I would have more off my arms if I had better form, but I'm not complaining!!!! I knew the hips and waist were way down. The thighs shocked me, though. If they measured chests that would have been down too. Sure wish the body could spot reduce!
Everyone had good measurement results and we are all going down, just not as quickly as we'd like. It's never as quickly as you'd like.
So, the six-week results are . . . down 9 lbs (only half of my 6 week goal -- boo!), BUT, down 2.5" on my hips, 3" off the waist, 4.5" off each thigh, and .5" off each arm -- that's 15.5" off those areas. Yay!! I would have more off my arms if I had better form, but I'm not complaining!!!! I knew the hips and waist were way down. The thighs shocked me, though. If they measured chests that would have been down too. Sure wish the body could spot reduce!
Everyone had good measurement results and we are all going down, just not as quickly as we'd like. It's never as quickly as you'd like.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The halfway point (week 6, Day 5)
My Biggest Loser group has finally reached the halfway point! I think that is a big accomplishment in itself, regardless of my limited weight loss. I've showed up, Monday-Friday, @ 5:28 am for 28 of the 30 days (two days were vacation -- but I did still exercise) and put in a good 55 minute effort. I've worked out at least one more time on almost all of those days, plus the weekends. I do not enjoy it anymore today, on day 30, then I did on day 1, and I'm even a bit discouraged because I am so far from my weight-loss goal (perhaps I was unrealistic in thinking I could lose 36 pounds in 12 weeks?). On the other hand, I now have biceps! Who'd have thought that was possible? And, I've lost inches--my whole group has. We'll see how many on Monday.
My trainer Corey and I are definitely not on the same wave length. His suggestions (for life outside the gym) do not fit my lifestyle and I get tired of the EXTREME world view he espouses. Religion issues aside, I don't think all his ideas about food are bad or wrong, but they are unrealistic and unsustainable in the long-term for me--an extremely busy working mom, wife, pet owner and community volunteer who LOVES FOOD. I am not going to follow his eating plan and thus will not achieve the results that may be possible if I did (I am following the nutritionist's/dietitian's advice, though). I've accepted that. I'm not sure HE'S accepted that, though. And despite what he told me, yes, I AM happy when I eat a delicious cheeseburger. I am not just fooling myself. For anyone who hasn't read Eat, Pray, Love -- read it. I am the "Eat" chapter. I LOVE and APPRECIATE good food, especially that which is prepared by others for me. I think there is a difference between stress and boredom eating and general over-eating of processed food (which I have been a master at doing in the past) and eating and enjoying food for more than the nutrition it provides, including the TASTE, the SMELL, the TEXTURE, and yes, the SOCIAL aspect. I believe that food and eating have an important cultural purpose as well.
However, he is a good trainer inside the gym and I think that while I would prefer the training style and exercises of the other trainer, the heavy emphasis on whole body workouts and strength training has probably been the correct approach for me given how weak I am and my disinclination to do it on my own. I'll take a walk, or do an elliptical machine on my own; frankly, there is no way I'd ever pick up a medicine ball or kettle ball or do a push-up without someone telling me I had to. I do appreciate that he has listened to my concerns about the weights being TOO HEAVY and the past couple weeks he has adapted my weight levels downward even though the other ladies are doing heavier weights. Despite my new biceps, I am weak, what can I say?
So, overall, even though I, once again, will not meet my goal, I am happy with the program. It got me off my lazy butt. I've proved I CAN get up at 5:00 am and workout, if that is the only time in my life where I can gain an hour to exercise. I'm no more tired than I was getting up @ 6:00, so I guess that means I actually am less tired. I CAN eat less and more healthy food and not starve to death or feel completely deprived. I CAN do more than I thought I could and I DO push myself more than I would on my own. I HAVE met some awesome people. I LOVE the gym and its staff, Hybrid Fitness , and think it is a model operation, with the combined focus of whole body group exercise, personal training and nutrition (they even have a healthy restaurant on site, which I would love to take the meal plan, but can't afford it :-()
The next twelve weeks start in June. . .by then we will have a dog, which I have been given the responsibility of walking in the morning. I will have to decide if I should continue this program or not and if I can fit it in with the dog walking. I think some of my group are signing up again. I don't want to slide backwards. . . but I was going to take my Diet Coke money (after the first 12 weeks) and save for a trip to Hawaii!
My trainer Corey and I are definitely not on the same wave length. His suggestions (for life outside the gym) do not fit my lifestyle and I get tired of the EXTREME world view he espouses. Religion issues aside, I don't think all his ideas about food are bad or wrong, but they are unrealistic and unsustainable in the long-term for me--an extremely busy working mom, wife, pet owner and community volunteer who LOVES FOOD. I am not going to follow his eating plan and thus will not achieve the results that may be possible if I did (I am following the nutritionist's/dietitian's advice, though). I've accepted that. I'm not sure HE'S accepted that, though. And despite what he told me, yes, I AM happy when I eat a delicious cheeseburger. I am not just fooling myself. For anyone who hasn't read Eat, Pray, Love -- read it. I am the "Eat" chapter. I LOVE and APPRECIATE good food, especially that which is prepared by others for me. I think there is a difference between stress and boredom eating and general over-eating of processed food (which I have been a master at doing in the past) and eating and enjoying food for more than the nutrition it provides, including the TASTE, the SMELL, the TEXTURE, and yes, the SOCIAL aspect. I believe that food and eating have an important cultural purpose as well.
However, he is a good trainer inside the gym and I think that while I would prefer the training style and exercises of the other trainer, the heavy emphasis on whole body workouts and strength training has probably been the correct approach for me given how weak I am and my disinclination to do it on my own. I'll take a walk, or do an elliptical machine on my own; frankly, there is no way I'd ever pick up a medicine ball or kettle ball or do a push-up without someone telling me I had to. I do appreciate that he has listened to my concerns about the weights being TOO HEAVY and the past couple weeks he has adapted my weight levels downward even though the other ladies are doing heavier weights. Despite my new biceps, I am weak, what can I say?
So, overall, even though I, once again, will not meet my goal, I am happy with the program. It got me off my lazy butt. I've proved I CAN get up at 5:00 am and workout, if that is the only time in my life where I can gain an hour to exercise. I'm no more tired than I was getting up @ 6:00, so I guess that means I actually am less tired. I CAN eat less and more healthy food and not starve to death or feel completely deprived. I CAN do more than I thought I could and I DO push myself more than I would on my own. I HAVE met some awesome people. I LOVE the gym and its staff, Hybrid Fitness , and think it is a model operation, with the combined focus of whole body group exercise, personal training and nutrition (they even have a healthy restaurant on site, which I would love to take the meal plan, but can't afford it :-()
The next twelve weeks start in June. . .by then we will have a dog, which I have been given the responsibility of walking in the morning. I will have to decide if I should continue this program or not and if I can fit it in with the dog walking. I think some of my group are signing up again. I don't want to slide backwards. . . but I was going to take my Diet Coke money (after the first 12 weeks) and save for a trip to Hawaii!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Week 6, Day 2 "No Surrender"
So today, Corey told me I needed to "surrender completely to the program." For some reason that just completed irritated me and I was already irritated this morning. The alarm clock woke me up out of a sound sleep and I'm just not feeling the "Biggest Loser" love these days. When I follow the program completely (surrendering to it in body and mind) I don't lose anyway, so I don't see what else I have to surrender. I have a somewhat bad attitude about it, but I'm still showing up and participating. I think that's good enough. One of the problems is that I've bonded more with the ladies in the 5:00 am group (we have more similar personalities and life circumstances) than the people in my own group, so I feel kind of like a fish out of water. I look over at what they are doing, and while it doesn't seem fun either (they ran 4.4 miles today. . .I'm fairly positive I can't do that), I still yearn to be over there. I never see them doing weights like we do.
Today, we had some kickboxing, some leg stuff on a box, some arm weights, and heavy bag flipping. Another morning of fun, fun, fun!
On the upside, the weather has been so freaking amazing that I have taken some really great, long walks in the evening. They might not be at a great pace, but I'm still getting the calories in. I LOVE walking!!!! (especially walking while reading, my special talent).
Tomorrow's hump day!!
Today, we had some kickboxing, some leg stuff on a box, some arm weights, and heavy bag flipping. Another morning of fun, fun, fun!
On the upside, the weather has been so freaking amazing that I have taken some really great, long walks in the evening. They might not be at a great pace, but I'm still getting the calories in. I LOVE walking!!!! (especially walking while reading, my special talent).
Tomorrow's hump day!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Week 6, Day 1
I am so ready for this to be over. Since I'm not having any success anyway, I feel like it's kind of pointless. But, I'll see it through for six more weeks, I guess. The other group is having SO MUCH MORE success. I don't know if it is their training regimen, their diets, where they started, or what. They routinely lose 4+ pounds a week while we are all struggling with 1 lb or less each week. So frustrating.
Today was weigh-in day. Down .5 lb. Whoopee. Something seems to happen on Sundays. I'm down at home during the day, and then by bedtime I'm up and stay up for weigh-in. Then, I come home, and I'm back down. So, I think I am really down a couple of pounds, but I'm having almost no success on the scale at the gym.
Took a nice walk at lunch time and a nice walk at home. Also played this football game with Matthew and Jim where the swing on the swings and throw me the football while I play wide receiver. I keep jogging the entire game and can burn more than 400 calories an hour. Untraditional workout, but it gets me family time and exercise at the same time.
Today was weigh-in day. Down .5 lb. Whoopee. Something seems to happen on Sundays. I'm down at home during the day, and then by bedtime I'm up and stay up for weigh-in. Then, I come home, and I'm back down. So, I think I am really down a couple of pounds, but I'm having almost no success on the scale at the gym.
Took a nice walk at lunch time and a nice walk at home. Also played this football game with Matthew and Jim where the swing on the swings and throw me the football while I play wide receiver. I keep jogging the entire game and can burn more than 400 calories an hour. Untraditional workout, but it gets me family time and exercise at the same time.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Week 5, the weekend
I've missed a few days blogging! I've been kind of overwhelmed by life right now. Way too much going on.
I didn't get all my workouts in this week and I didn't eat that well (by my new standards), so I am not expecting to do well at weigh-in tomorrow. I was down this morning a couple of pounds, but back up tonight. So, we'll see. I did enjoy lots of nice walks outside though!
Starting week 6 tomorrow. After this week is over, I've reached the half-way point.
I didn't get all my workouts in this week and I didn't eat that well (by my new standards), so I am not expecting to do well at weigh-in tomorrow. I was down this morning a couple of pounds, but back up tonight. So, we'll see. I did enjoy lots of nice walks outside though!
Starting week 6 tomorrow. After this week is over, I've reached the half-way point.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Week 5, Day 3
Someone in my group today asked me what I thought I had signed up for. This was a genuine inquiry after hearing me whining for the 23rd "consecutive" day. I think that is a good question.
I knew I was signing up for a biggest loser workout program, that had a nutrition component, and I knew it would be hard, but I guess I expected better results given that I have followed both the exercise and the nutrition part of the program faithfully for 31 consecutive days. I just figured this would work.
But the other reality is that I didn't expect it to be so hard. I have always been a fairly athletic person, and I used to work out quite regularly, so I figured, "Well, this will be hard for a couple of weeks, but then it will get easier." I figured other "bigger" people might struggle, but that I would hit my groove and be successfully somewhat easily. But, what I've learned is this type of fitness training is not related to being athletic. Hand-eye coordination and a competitive spirit don't count. Being able to adjust quickly doesn't count. This training, at least the part I'm bad at, is all about core and upper body strength, which has almost nothing to do with general athleticim, in my opinion.
I've never enjoyed strength training, and we're doing a ton of it. I still don't enjoy it and it is incredibly difficult for me.
That said. . .today we used. . KETTLE BALLS again. This time, a 25 lb kettle ball that we lunged with and whacked at heavy bag. And then we did some more kettle ball stuff. I didn't get in a second full workout tonight for the first time in a while. I am just tired.
I knew I was signing up for a biggest loser workout program, that had a nutrition component, and I knew it would be hard, but I guess I expected better results given that I have followed both the exercise and the nutrition part of the program faithfully for 31 consecutive days. I just figured this would work.
But the other reality is that I didn't expect it to be so hard. I have always been a fairly athletic person, and I used to work out quite regularly, so I figured, "Well, this will be hard for a couple of weeks, but then it will get easier." I figured other "bigger" people might struggle, but that I would hit my groove and be successfully somewhat easily. But, what I've learned is this type of fitness training is not related to being athletic. Hand-eye coordination and a competitive spirit don't count. Being able to adjust quickly doesn't count. This training, at least the part I'm bad at, is all about core and upper body strength, which has almost nothing to do with general athleticim, in my opinion.
I've never enjoyed strength training, and we're doing a ton of it. I still don't enjoy it and it is incredibly difficult for me.
That said. . .today we used. . KETTLE BALLS again. This time, a 25 lb kettle ball that we lunged with and whacked at heavy bag. And then we did some more kettle ball stuff. I didn't get in a second full workout tonight for the first time in a while. I am just tired.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Week 5, Day 2
Well, I didn't hate today's workout. It has been interesting the last couple of days to learn that I just can't burn the calories the others can do the same exercises. I have to do MORE than them. For example, today we were supposed to walk on the treadmill, 15 incline, 3.5 mph pace. He wanted us to get mid-to upper 160's heart rate. So I did that, and my highest heart rate -- 147. I talked to Corey afterward and when I do it I'm going to have to use 3 pound weights in each hand like I did on Friday and I got my heart rate to 170. It is encouraging that my heart is so strong. Trust me -- I'm happy about that! But, I can't believe I have to work even harder. It reminds me of when I was pregnant and they told me my contractions (after 24 hours of HELL) were not strong enough. I couldn't even fathom what a stronger contraction would feel like.
Got my extra workouts in today. Walked up and down the hill at work during lunch (I'm glad that hill serves some purpose besides irritating me in the winter) and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical at home and another 20 minutes of Wii EA Active. I'm done for the day.
So, after all the griping about the workouts and the 5 am mornings and the lack of weight loss, I should say that I am actually happy about my program. As I told my boss today, there really is no downside. I'm getting more fit (regardless of weight loss), I've definitely loss inches, and I'm eating much healthier. All of those are good despite the fact that I wanted to lose 36 pounds in 12 weeks and am more likely to lose only 12 pounds (if that). So, I'm happy that I've made positive lifestyle changes, on my own terms, before a doctor had to tell me to do something. And maybe, by the end of this, I'll actually enjoy doing pushups.
I don't think so.
Got my extra workouts in today. Walked up and down the hill at work during lunch (I'm glad that hill serves some purpose besides irritating me in the winter) and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical at home and another 20 minutes of Wii EA Active. I'm done for the day.
So, after all the griping about the workouts and the 5 am mornings and the lack of weight loss, I should say that I am actually happy about my program. As I told my boss today, there really is no downside. I'm getting more fit (regardless of weight loss), I've definitely loss inches, and I'm eating much healthier. All of those are good despite the fact that I wanted to lose 36 pounds in 12 weeks and am more likely to lose only 12 pounds (if that). So, I'm happy that I've made positive lifestyle changes, on my own terms, before a doctor had to tell me to do something. And maybe, by the end of this, I'll actually enjoy doing pushups.
I don't think so.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Week 5, Day 1
Well, today was the first day I really didn't want to show up @ my workout. Between not having a group on Friday and not really losing much weight, I am just losing my inspiration. I'm also getting really negative and grumpy, when I actually do like what I'm doing, even if I don't enjoy it at all while I'm doing it. . .if that makes any sense.
So, it was weigh-in day and I stayed the same. Or, I lost 2 pounds if he wrote down last week's weight wrong when he said I lost 4 pounds. Either way, I've only lost 5 pounds total while and barely make the scale move while other people are losing 5 and 6 pounds a week. It is getting very frustrating. But, I don't burn as many calories, either. I'm working hard, I'm sweating, my heart rate is getting high, and I'm eating well but I burned about 400 calories this morning and other people in my group were well above 500 and one was at 622! How unfair is that!
I did sign up for the Crazylegs Classic, which is a big run/walk in Madison, as part of the Hybrid Fitness team. I haven't decided for sure if I'm actually going to participate or not. I really hate big crowds. But one of my group members convinced me to sign up. Am I nuts?!?!
I did try ZUMBA yesterday, which is a latin dance/aerobic exercise thing. It was sort of fun and I would do it again. I looked ridiculous though. I have no rhythm and like Jim says, "I'm sexy like a koala bear." Zumba is for pumas.
My goal this week is to be more positive. So, I'll try not to complain as much this week.
So, it was weigh-in day and I stayed the same. Or, I lost 2 pounds if he wrote down last week's weight wrong when he said I lost 4 pounds. Either way, I've only lost 5 pounds total while and barely make the scale move while other people are losing 5 and 6 pounds a week. It is getting very frustrating. But, I don't burn as many calories, either. I'm working hard, I'm sweating, my heart rate is getting high, and I'm eating well but I burned about 400 calories this morning and other people in my group were well above 500 and one was at 622! How unfair is that!
I did sign up for the Crazylegs Classic, which is a big run/walk in Madison, as part of the Hybrid Fitness team. I haven't decided for sure if I'm actually going to participate or not. I really hate big crowds. But one of my group members convinced me to sign up. Am I nuts?!?!
I did try ZUMBA yesterday, which is a latin dance/aerobic exercise thing. It was sort of fun and I would do it again. I looked ridiculous though. I have no rhythm and like Jim says, "I'm sexy like a koala bear." Zumba is for pumas.
My goal this week is to be more positive. So, I'll try not to complain as much this week.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Week 4, Day 5 (I was deserted!)
Well, my group deserted me today! I was the only person there. It probably sounds good to have received a personal training session to myself at basically no cost, but it wasn't that great. I really missed being part of a small group. We've developed quite a bond over the past 20 days. . .as they say, misery loves company. I enjoy joking around with the others and complaining about the exercises with the others, and mostly, just having the support of three other ladies going through the same process. They UNDERSTAND in a way others can't what it is I am trying to do and how hard it is. We are all facing the same challenges, together.
So, without the support of my group, Corey tried to kill me today. Seriously, my heart rate was in the 170's the entire hour (my MAXIMUM heart rate is 180). When I work out by myself, I usually am in the 120's to 140's, and usually with my group I am consistenly in the upper 140's to about 168 or so. On a rare occasion I reach the low 170's. Today -- almost an hour straight, except for water breaks.
Did I say I hate the kettle balls more than the medicine balls? I take it back. Today was medicine ball hell. For the first half hour every exercise I did (except the Bear Crawl which is its own fun form of torture) used an 8 pound medicine ball -- high knees down the ladder, lunges, squat throws, lateral high knees down the ladder, sprints. Ugh. I was exhausted. Then we did weights, my FAVORITE (hear the sarcasm). And when we finally went to cardio, he made me use 3 pound weights in both hands and do arm lifts because I haven't been able to get my heart rate high enough on the treadmill, even @ a 15 incline (for as out of shape as I am, my heartrate and cardiovascular fitness is really quite excellent). Yes, I got my money's worth and my team's money's worth this morning.
Here's an interesting fact though. I mentioned to Corey that I hate running and he did acknowledge that I do not have a runner's body. Yes! Finally, validation from a professional that my body is not built to run. I feel vindicated for hating to run. I'm built to . . .do something that requires good cardiovascular fitness and lots of lower body power, with little need for upper body strength. Any ideas what that might be (besides birthing babies, and I didn't even get to do that!).
Another hour tonight, and then I need to push it this weekend.
So, without the support of my group, Corey tried to kill me today. Seriously, my heart rate was in the 170's the entire hour (my MAXIMUM heart rate is 180). When I work out by myself, I usually am in the 120's to 140's, and usually with my group I am consistenly in the upper 140's to about 168 or so. On a rare occasion I reach the low 170's. Today -- almost an hour straight, except for water breaks.
Did I say I hate the kettle balls more than the medicine balls? I take it back. Today was medicine ball hell. For the first half hour every exercise I did (except the Bear Crawl which is its own fun form of torture) used an 8 pound medicine ball -- high knees down the ladder, lunges, squat throws, lateral high knees down the ladder, sprints. Ugh. I was exhausted. Then we did weights, my FAVORITE (hear the sarcasm). And when we finally went to cardio, he made me use 3 pound weights in both hands and do arm lifts because I haven't been able to get my heart rate high enough on the treadmill, even @ a 15 incline (for as out of shape as I am, my heartrate and cardiovascular fitness is really quite excellent). Yes, I got my money's worth and my team's money's worth this morning.
Here's an interesting fact though. I mentioned to Corey that I hate running and he did acknowledge that I do not have a runner's body. Yes! Finally, validation from a professional that my body is not built to run. I feel vindicated for hating to run. I'm built to . . .do something that requires good cardiovascular fitness and lots of lower body power, with little need for upper body strength. Any ideas what that might be (besides birthing babies, and I didn't even get to do that!).
Another hour tonight, and then I need to push it this weekend.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Week 4, Day 4
Woke up to snow today. I knew the weather was too good to last!
Today's workout involved kettle ball weights. Have I mentioned how much I really dislike those weights? For some reason, they seem heavier to me than dumbells or medicine balls. Maybe it has to do with the way the weight is distributed. Anyway, Corey had us doing kettle ball lunges, squats, twists, situps, and leg lifts. And then, if we got done too fast, wall sits with kettle ball passes under our legs. I sweat a lot this morning, much more than yesterday. We also did a little cardio -- elliptical, stair stepper, and Jacob's ladder.
Following this morning's workout, I dropped the truck off and then rode my bike to work 5 miles. That puts me at about 700 calories for the day, so an easier night ahead! That's good, because I have a Cub Scouts parents meeting and Jim and Matthew have soccer. I was going to ride my bike back to the repair shop to get the truck, but have decided instead to ask a co-worker to take me. It is cold, I am a wimp, and I feel I have done my duty for the day.
Today's workout involved kettle ball weights. Have I mentioned how much I really dislike those weights? For some reason, they seem heavier to me than dumbells or medicine balls. Maybe it has to do with the way the weight is distributed. Anyway, Corey had us doing kettle ball lunges, squats, twists, situps, and leg lifts. And then, if we got done too fast, wall sits with kettle ball passes under our legs. I sweat a lot this morning, much more than yesterday. We also did a little cardio -- elliptical, stair stepper, and Jacob's ladder.
Following this morning's workout, I dropped the truck off and then rode my bike to work 5 miles. That puts me at about 700 calories for the day, so an easier night ahead! That's good, because I have a Cub Scouts parents meeting and Jim and Matthew have soccer. I was going to ride my bike back to the repair shop to get the truck, but have decided instead to ask a co-worker to take me. It is cold, I am a wimp, and I feel I have done my duty for the day.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Week 4, Day 3
I keep thinking this has to get easier. It has to get easier to get up @ 5 am, it has to get easier during the workout, and it has to get easier to find the extra hour at night. When???? I am getting a little crabby about this. As one of my group mates says, "Life is all about choices." I know I made this choice as a result of previous choices to eat too much and not exercise, but still--it sucks.
Today's workout wasn't as bad as the past two days, but I also didn't burn as many calories, so tonight's work-out will have to be more strenuous. Maybe I'll even have to venture downstairs to the elliptical machine. Ick.
Today we worked in the weight area: Some legs, a back exercise, and the benchpress again. Corey finally agreed that the weight on the barbell was TOO HEAVY for me. Yes, I know everyone else could do 55 pounds the appropriate number of repetitions, but I can't at this point. Halfway through our 2nd circuit he took off 10 pounds which was more tolerable, yet still very difficult, at 45 pounds.
Today's workout wasn't as bad as the past two days, but I also didn't burn as many calories, so tonight's work-out will have to be more strenuous. Maybe I'll even have to venture downstairs to the elliptical machine. Ick.
Today we worked in the weight area: Some legs, a back exercise, and the benchpress again. Corey finally agreed that the weight on the barbell was TOO HEAVY for me. Yes, I know everyone else could do 55 pounds the appropriate number of repetitions, but I can't at this point. Halfway through our 2nd circuit he took off 10 pounds which was more tolerable, yet still very difficult, at 45 pounds.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Week four, day 2
Learned this morning that I was the BIGGEST LOSER for this week. I can't believe it. That's a lot to live up to. Probably was the biggest loser this week because I was the smallest loser the two weeks before :-) Actually, I think I just got a lot more exercise the week I was on vacation.
Today was a hard day, again. I think I'm getting better, and it just keeps getting harder. Corey says he has to make it harder as our bodies adapt, but dang, I just need a break. Wasn't as tired at work today, though.
Got my 2nd hour in after school. It actually as an hour and fifteen minutes because I can't get my heart rate up high enough at home to burn 500 calories in an hour.
Got two compliments at work today, as well. So, while I'm only 5.5 pounds down, I am much more fit which I guess is showing. Yay!
Today was a hard day, again. I think I'm getting better, and it just keeps getting harder. Corey says he has to make it harder as our bodies adapt, but dang, I just need a break. Wasn't as tired at work today, though.
Got my 2nd hour in after school. It actually as an hour and fifteen minutes because I can't get my heart rate up high enough at home to burn 500 calories in an hour.
Got two compliments at work today, as well. So, while I'm only 5.5 pounds down, I am much more fit which I guess is showing. Yay!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Week 4, Day 1
Wow, am I tired today. Don't know if was the workout after four days off or the end of vacation, but I can barely stay awake!
Only two of us were there today and Corey worked us hard! We dragged a heavy weight (boxing bag) down the turf today. The first two times, we did it by putting two large rubber bands around our shoulders. These were attached to two very large chains which were in turn attached to the heavy bag. About 100 pounds in all. Hard! But not as hard as the next exercise, which was to drag the heavy weight by the chains using our arms and back. We got down into a squat position, and then the first time we dragged with one arm, the next time the other. Hard! My heart rate was about 170, which was my highest until I did the Jacob's ladder and then it went up to 174. Man. We also did some push-up exercises, plank exercise and some arm things.
I took a walk outside at lunch for about 40 minutes. Not at a fast past (don't want to gross out my co-workers), but at least I got some additional exercise in and could enjoy the beautiful day a bit.
It was also weigh-in day: Down 5.5 total for three weeks. Not what I wanted, but not bad. If I can keep that up, I'd be down 22 for the session, which would be good (but I'd still have another session to go :-( I can tell I've definitely lost more inches than weight, especially off my waist/hips.
Only two of us were there today and Corey worked us hard! We dragged a heavy weight (boxing bag) down the turf today. The first two times, we did it by putting two large rubber bands around our shoulders. These were attached to two very large chains which were in turn attached to the heavy bag. About 100 pounds in all. Hard! But not as hard as the next exercise, which was to drag the heavy weight by the chains using our arms and back. We got down into a squat position, and then the first time we dragged with one arm, the next time the other. Hard! My heart rate was about 170, which was my highest until I did the Jacob's ladder and then it went up to 174. Man. We also did some push-up exercises, plank exercise and some arm things.
I took a walk outside at lunch for about 40 minutes. Not at a fast past (don't want to gross out my co-workers), but at least I got some additional exercise in and could enjoy the beautiful day a bit.
It was also weigh-in day: Down 5.5 total for three weeks. Not what I wanted, but not bad. If I can keep that up, I'd be down 22 for the session, which would be good (but I'd still have another session to go :-( I can tell I've definitely lost more inches than weight, especially off my waist/hips.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Weekend, week 3 -- Easter
Suffice it to say I did NOT eat my diet plan today. I have no idea how much food I consumed at lunch/dinner -- ham, potatoes, asparagus, fruit salad, tortellini salad, 1 roll, strawberry fluff, raw veggies, black bean couscous, a little corn. Wow! Tons of food. But, probably my only meal of the day :-)
The past four days I have only officially worked out for 1 hour. But, I got lots of exercise in on Thursday when we walked the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and then I took two walks at night. I walked for three hours delivering campaign literature for candidates on Friday, and then another hour on Saturday delivering literature for different candidates. Sunday, I delivered a little literature. . .maybe some exercise tonight?
Weigh-in day tomorrow. Hope I'm down more than a pound this week!
Happy Easter!
The past four days I have only officially worked out for 1 hour. But, I got lots of exercise in on Thursday when we walked the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and then I took two walks at night. I walked for three hours delivering campaign literature for candidates on Friday, and then another hour on Saturday delivering literature for different candidates. Sunday, I delivered a little literature. . .maybe some exercise tonight?
Weigh-in day tomorrow. Hope I'm down more than a pound this week!
Happy Easter!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Week 3, Days 2 & 3
Forgot to blog yesterday! This is hard to remember to do. Both days were icky :-) Tuesday was tons of push-up exercises, and Wednesday was all weights. I stayed after both days and did cardio for 35 to 40 minutes, so at least I got most of my exercise in that way.
Having a hard time with the eating! I love to eat out and it is hard to be precise about what I am eating when I eat out. And the menus! I lean towards carbs, I am supposed to be eating greens and proteins.
No 5 am workout for me tomorrow. I am on vacation and going to the Shedd Aquarium. Will have to fit in a workout sometime.
Having a hard time with the eating! I love to eat out and it is hard to be precise about what I am eating when I eat out. And the menus! I lean towards carbs, I am supposed to be eating greens and proteins.
No 5 am workout for me tomorrow. I am on vacation and going to the Shedd Aquarium. Will have to fit in a workout sometime.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Week 3, Day 1 -- Weigh-in day
Well, today was weigh-in day. Again, everyone was down, but not a lot. Some of the other teams are kicking our behinds! Are we not heavy enough or not trying hard enough? Who knows. At this rate, I'll be in for another 12 weeks!
Today was my FAVORITE day, by far. We played dodgeball for the first 20 minutes. I rock at dodgeball. It was great exercise too. We really kept our heart rates up and did calisthenics between games. The remaining time went really fast. Wish we could play a game every day. I even stayed an extra 35 minutes to get in more work since I am on break this week.
Yesterday, went with Matthew for an hour, and played Wii Fit for an hour. Not quite 2 real hours of work, but close to the 1000 calories.
Today was my FAVORITE day, by far. We played dodgeball for the first 20 minutes. I rock at dodgeball. It was great exercise too. We really kept our heart rates up and did calisthenics between games. The remaining time went really fast. Wish we could play a game every day. I even stayed an extra 35 minutes to get in more work since I am on break this week.
Yesterday, went with Matthew for an hour, and played Wii Fit for an hour. Not quite 2 real hours of work, but close to the 1000 calories.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday -- week 2
Almost forgot to post tonight! Had a lot going on today. Yesterday, I got a flat tired driving home from flag football, and today I learned we needed 4 new tires. Took Matthew to basketball, did some laundry, talked to a color consultant (we're going to paint COLORS on our antique white walls), picked up the car, dropped off an old vanity at the Habitat ReStore, worked out for 1.5 hours with Matthew, went grocery shopping, played Wii with Matthew and helped cook dinner.
Working out on the weekend is hard. I have more time (sort of), but I really miss my group and Corey. It's hard to push myself. Thank goodness for my heart rate monitor--I can't cheat that. I either get my heart rate up or I don't. Matthew went with me again, and we played some basketball, played dodgeball, did some running/stairs circuits (He kicked my butt. But to be fair, I've always been a slow runner, skinny or fat). I also did some elliptical and treadmill while he played basketball with one of their trainers.
Only got 1.5 hours in today, but if I work out tomorrow, I can make up for it because Corey was going to give us the day off. I figure one or two hours tomorrow will be equivalent to some of the time I missed during the week.
Working out on the weekend is hard. I have more time (sort of), but I really miss my group and Corey. It's hard to push myself. Thank goodness for my heart rate monitor--I can't cheat that. I either get my heart rate up or I don't. Matthew went with me again, and we played some basketball, played dodgeball, did some running/stairs circuits (He kicked my butt. But to be fair, I've always been a slow runner, skinny or fat). I also did some elliptical and treadmill while he played basketball with one of their trainers.
Only got 1.5 hours in today, but if I work out tomorrow, I can make up for it because Corey was going to give us the day off. I figure one or two hours tomorrow will be equivalent to some of the time I missed during the week.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Week 2 -- Day 5
First day of vacation from work, but no vacation from the workout. Up I got at 5:00 a.m., out of a dead sleep. I'm finally sleeping and now I'm still getting no sleep!
Today's workout was tolerable until we got to the hand barbells. They were out of 10 pound weights so I told Corey to give me the 15 pound ones. BIG MISTAKE. I completed the first round of lunges, bicep curls and arm presses but couldn't even manage one sit-up. I had to use one barbell instead of two while Corey went to fetch me lighter weights from elsewhere in the gym. I do think I am getting stronger, though, and my cardiovascular fitness is much improved (although, much better to begin with!).
Got another 45 minute cardio workout in while Matthew played flag football, and I'm calling it good for the day. Close enough. Ate pizza too, which is not on the meal plan! But, as I was still at 1385 calories for the day, I think that is pretty good.
Matthew wants to go back to the gym Saturday, so we will probably go in the afternoon. As long as he is enthusiastic about it he can come; it makes it more fun for me, that's for sure! I was going to go in the morning, but a flat tire has changed my plans.
Today's workout was tolerable until we got to the hand barbells. They were out of 10 pound weights so I told Corey to give me the 15 pound ones. BIG MISTAKE. I completed the first round of lunges, bicep curls and arm presses but couldn't even manage one sit-up. I had to use one barbell instead of two while Corey went to fetch me lighter weights from elsewhere in the gym. I do think I am getting stronger, though, and my cardiovascular fitness is much improved (although, much better to begin with!).
Got another 45 minute cardio workout in while Matthew played flag football, and I'm calling it good for the day. Close enough. Ate pizza too, which is not on the meal plan! But, as I was still at 1385 calories for the day, I think that is pretty good.
Matthew wants to go back to the gym Saturday, so we will probably go in the afternoon. As long as he is enthusiastic about it he can come; it makes it more fun for me, that's for sure! I was going to go in the morning, but a flat tire has changed my plans.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Week 2, Day 4
My alarm work me up out of a sound sleep today @ 5:00 am. I had only woken up once during the night, which is very unusual for me, but my body definitely needed the sleep.
Today's workout was HARD. We did a lot of work with kettle balls. Corey wouldn't say that we are making any progress, but he did move me up to a 15 lb ball; last week I used a 10 pound ball. I guess that is progress. The hardest part of today's session were when we did lateral squats down the track with the kettle ball between our legs, and then when we stood up we had to raise the kettle ball over our heads and then bend our elbows back so that the kettle ball went behind our backs, working our triceps. Up down, up down, up down -- down the track and back. Then we did lots of push-ups, knee curls, leg lefts and crunches on our stability balls, and some on the ground. All the exercise except the push-ups used the kettle balls. Ugh.
Got my 2nd hour in tonight in only two sessions. 45 minutes of power walking to a DVD after I picked up Matthew and then hula hooping and jogging to the Wii after dinner. What a life I have!
I can definitely say it was easier to get in shape when I was younger and single. I remember the last time I went through something like this. I was 26 years old, had fallen down the stairs at work and twisted my back. I went to the doctor and stepped on the scale and couldn't believe how heavy I was! I worked out after work (note: AFTER) every single day at the YMCA doing cardio and strength training, then I'd go home and roller blade or do something else for an hour. On the weekends, I'd walk 2 miles to get the Sunday paper and then back again. Plus I did the workout at the gym. I would often bike to the gym and then work out and bike home. I walked to work meetings if it was within a 20 minute walk. My refrigerator and pantry only had healthy food. In retrospect, I had the luxury of time and youth. It was so much easier then.
Today's workout was HARD. We did a lot of work with kettle balls. Corey wouldn't say that we are making any progress, but he did move me up to a 15 lb ball; last week I used a 10 pound ball. I guess that is progress. The hardest part of today's session were when we did lateral squats down the track with the kettle ball between our legs, and then when we stood up we had to raise the kettle ball over our heads and then bend our elbows back so that the kettle ball went behind our backs, working our triceps. Up down, up down, up down -- down the track and back. Then we did lots of push-ups, knee curls, leg lefts and crunches on our stability balls, and some on the ground. All the exercise except the push-ups used the kettle balls. Ugh.
Got my 2nd hour in tonight in only two sessions. 45 minutes of power walking to a DVD after I picked up Matthew and then hula hooping and jogging to the Wii after dinner. What a life I have!
I can definitely say it was easier to get in shape when I was younger and single. I remember the last time I went through something like this. I was 26 years old, had fallen down the stairs at work and twisted my back. I went to the doctor and stepped on the scale and couldn't believe how heavy I was! I worked out after work (note: AFTER) every single day at the YMCA doing cardio and strength training, then I'd go home and roller blade or do something else for an hour. On the weekends, I'd walk 2 miles to get the Sunday paper and then back again. Plus I did the workout at the gym. I would often bike to the gym and then work out and bike home. I walked to work meetings if it was within a 20 minute walk. My refrigerator and pantry only had healthy food. In retrospect, I had the luxury of time and youth. It was so much easier then.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Week 2, Day 3
Woke up and my back wasn't killing me, so I was happy about that. Yesterday was miserable with my sore back and sore buttocks.
Told Corey what Jim said about me not being a detail person, and he spent even MORE time correcting my form today. Sigh. Bad lunges, bad squats, really bad pushups. My situps are getting better, though! Today we did a circuit that was quite difficult. Had to flip a heavy bag (boxing bag) down a sprint lane and back, do circular arm things and lunges on a weight machine, knee lifts and lunges on a high box, pushups and dips on boxes (really bad at this one), and then squats and weights on another machine for back work. Did this twice, with high knee ladder work in between. Really hard. I tried to get some positive feedback from Corey on our progress, but he wasn't playing that game.
Food has been better today, so that is good. Not sure what I'll do for dinner. It's Subway night for Matthew and Jim since they have guitar lessons.
Another hour to go today. When? When?
Got 20 minutes in through a dvd after work. Another 22 minutes of fast-walking during Matthew's guitar lesson, and 37 minutes of Wii fit jogging, hulu hooping and step aerobics. Probably not how they expected or wanted us to get our 1 hour in, but it was the best I could do today!
Told Corey what Jim said about me not being a detail person, and he spent even MORE time correcting my form today. Sigh. Bad lunges, bad squats, really bad pushups. My situps are getting better, though! Today we did a circuit that was quite difficult. Had to flip a heavy bag (boxing bag) down a sprint lane and back, do circular arm things and lunges on a weight machine, knee lifts and lunges on a high box, pushups and dips on boxes (really bad at this one), and then squats and weights on another machine for back work. Did this twice, with high knee ladder work in between. Really hard. I tried to get some positive feedback from Corey on our progress, but he wasn't playing that game.
Food has been better today, so that is good. Not sure what I'll do for dinner. It's Subway night for Matthew and Jim since they have guitar lessons.
Another hour to go today. When? When?
Got 20 minutes in through a dvd after work. Another 22 minutes of fast-walking during Matthew's guitar lesson, and 37 minutes of Wii fit jogging, hulu hooping and step aerobics. Probably not how they expected or wanted us to get our 1 hour in, but it was the best I could do today!
Week 2, Day 2
Lots of new exercises today, including lots of situp-crunchie exercises. My core is still weak. I struggle. And afterwards, my lower back was so stiff and sore. Yikes!
Corey has to correct my form a lot. Jim (my husband) laughed and said that didn't suprise him because I am not a detail person. True, very true. But still. And, it's even harder to have good form when you are tired and sore. I think Corey has a tough job. He needs to push us to our limits so that we can have the best results possible, but he also has to be conscious that we do have limits. I am learning that I can usually go further and do more than I think I can.
STARVING all day today. Need more food. I counted the calories up, though, and the nutritionist is right on for where I should be. I must have been (obviously) eating a completely ridiculous amount of food prior to this.
Got in one half hour of my extra hour workout tonight. Trying to find that extra hour is HARD.
Corey has to correct my form a lot. Jim (my husband) laughed and said that didn't suprise him because I am not a detail person. True, very true. But still. And, it's even harder to have good form when you are tired and sore. I think Corey has a tough job. He needs to push us to our limits so that we can have the best results possible, but he also has to be conscious that we do have limits. I am learning that I can usually go further and do more than I think I can.
STARVING all day today. Need more food. I counted the calories up, though, and the nutritionist is right on for where I should be. I must have been (obviously) eating a completely ridiculous amount of food prior to this.
Got in one half hour of my extra hour workout tonight. Trying to find that extra hour is HARD.
Weigh-in #1
Weigh-in didn't go too well today. Corey was not happy. Two of us (me included) lost weight, but not much. I thought we had healthy weight loss, but it was not what they expect from a "biggest loser" type program. He yelled at us about our diets. To be fair, I just started my diet today since I couldn't meet with the nutritionist until Saturday. So, I probably was eating more than I was supposed to although I thought I had been doing well (in retrospect, not that great).
He worked us extra hard today as punishment. Cardio, cardio. And push-ups. I sure hate those darn push-ups.
The new diet is ok. Got my breakfast down, but was starving every couple of hours. Guess that's what the body needs, though. Ate a Kashi Go Lean bar before the workout and didn't crave OJ. Guess the nutritionist was right. Also had grilled salmon for dinner and that was outstanding.
He worked us extra hard today as punishment. Cardio, cardio. And push-ups. I sure hate those darn push-ups.
The new diet is ok. Got my breakfast down, but was starving every couple of hours. Guess that's what the body needs, though. Ate a Kashi Go Lean bar before the workout and didn't crave OJ. Guess the nutritionist was right. Also had grilled salmon for dinner and that was outstanding.
The weekend
We were on our on this weekend. Worked out and met with the nutritionist on Saturday morning. She wrote out a meal plan for me. Doesn't seem like much food, but I'll give it a try! She said the OJ cravings were a result low blood sugar from not eating before I worked out. Sorry, I just haven't been hungry @ 5:00 am. Guess I have to make some time for food.
Matthew went with me on Sunday. He is in better shape than me. He is also a good trainer. We played basketball, climbed the spider web, ran the treadmill, did the elliptical, and used weights and medicine balls for squats, lunges and crunches.
I missed my group. It is hard to be motivated by myself. I don't push myself as hard without a trainer, either.
Slept in past seven both weekend mornings. Not looking forward to Monday morning @ 5:00.
Matthew went with me on Sunday. He is in better shape than me. He is also a good trainer. We played basketball, climbed the spider web, ran the treadmill, did the elliptical, and used weights and medicine balls for squats, lunges and crunches.
I missed my group. It is hard to be motivated by myself. I don't push myself as hard without a trainer, either.
Slept in past seven both weekend mornings. Not looking forward to Monday morning @ 5:00.
Day 5 -- Last Chance Work Out
Friday was our "last chance" workout with the group and our trainer. We still have to workout 2 hours a day on the weekend by ourselves. Felt good, but looking forward to sleeping in Saturday.
Only three of us present. Meant we worked even harder! No time to rest while the others finish. I can add "balance" to the things that need work.
Got my extra hour workout in while Matthew played flag football tonight. At least it was cardio. I'm good at that. My heart rate monitor also arrived in the mail and I know I burned at least the number of calories I was supposed to today.
Went to bed @ 8:30 again. Feeling old and tired, not 40 and fabulous.
Only three of us present. Meant we worked even harder! No time to rest while the others finish. I can add "balance" to the things that need work.
Got my extra hour workout in while Matthew played flag football tonight. At least it was cardio. I'm good at that. My heart rate monitor also arrived in the mail and I know I burned at least the number of calories I was supposed to today.
Went to bed @ 8:30 again. Feeling old and tired, not 40 and fabulous.
Day 4 -- Have we turned a corner
I woke up today and could walk without pain. Progress? Or a false sense of progress?
Today we finally did an exercise at which I was somewhat competent--the Jacob's Ladder. It is an exercise machine that has horizontal bars like a ladder. The machine moves the ladder down as the person climbs up. I did great! My trainer was suprised; I have not been an icon of fitness in my first 4 days. He said most people fall off within 30 seconds, but I lasted over 2 minutes and could have kept going. Finally! Of course, we followed that up with push-ups, and suffice it to say, that is not my strong suit. Nor are crunches. Or squats. Or lunges. Or toe touches.
I meet with the nutrionist on Saturday. Hopefully that will help. I have been CRAVING orange juice, which seems strange. I am tired.
Today we finally did an exercise at which I was somewhat competent--the Jacob's Ladder. It is an exercise machine that has horizontal bars like a ladder. The machine moves the ladder down as the person climbs up. I did great! My trainer was suprised; I have not been an icon of fitness in my first 4 days. He said most people fall off within 30 seconds, but I lasted over 2 minutes and could have kept going. Finally! Of course, we followed that up with push-ups, and suffice it to say, that is not my strong suit. Nor are crunches. Or squats. Or lunges. Or toe touches.
I meet with the nutrionist on Saturday. Hopefully that will help. I have been CRAVING orange juice, which seems strange. I am tired.
Day 3 -- the soreness continues
I have learned I have muscles I didn't know I had. I have confirmed that I am abysmally weak in my upper body and core regions. Medicine balls, push-ups, weights, and exercise bands are now my friends. . .I think.
I am so tired I am on autopilot. A few people at work have noticed I have been dragging. My body is so, so tired. And, we are supposed to be getting ANOTHER hour of exercise each day. Apparently the goal is to burn 1000 calories through exercise each day. I am getting up at 5:00 am to get one hour in. . .when am I supposed to find hour number two?
I am so tired I am on autopilot. A few people at work have noticed I have been dragging. My body is so, so tired. And, we are supposed to be getting ANOTHER hour of exercise each day. Apparently the goal is to burn 1000 calories through exercise each day. I am getting up at 5:00 am to get one hour in. . .when am I supposed to find hour number two?
Day 2 -- What was I thinking
5:00 am, the alarm went off and I started my routine again. Driving in the dark across town I wondered what I had been thinking when I signed up to do this. I must have been crazy!
We all walked in sore and tired. Corey didn't care. He kept pushing us. The hardest activity I have ever done we did this day. Lifting up a boxing heavy bag off the ground, with a partner, and then raising it over our heads. And back down. Over and over and over again. Followed by boxing. Ugh. So tired. So sore.
I learned today that one of my group members just gave up smoking before this. Another is in her 3rd, 12 week session; she has already lost almost 80 pounds but has further to go. The commitment to do this is incredible and she is amazing.
Lots of skinny athletic people at the gym, too. They seem to be fascinated by all of us "big loser" participants. Will I be one of them again someday?
We all walked in sore and tired. Corey didn't care. He kept pushing us. The hardest activity I have ever done we did this day. Lifting up a boxing heavy bag off the ground, with a partner, and then raising it over our heads. And back down. Over and over and over again. Followed by boxing. Ugh. So tired. So sore.
I learned today that one of my group members just gave up smoking before this. Another is in her 3rd, 12 week session; she has already lost almost 80 pounds but has further to go. The commitment to do this is incredible and she is amazing.
Lots of skinny athletic people at the gym, too. They seem to be fascinated by all of us "big loser" participants. Will I be one of them again someday?
A New Beginning
Monday, March 15, 2010 was my day of reckoning. The night before, I packed my work clothes, laid out my workout clothes, and set my alarm for 5:00 am. Yikes! As someone who doesn't sleep well to begin with, the thought of getting up at 5:00 every day for 12 weeks was scary.
Not to worry! I was wide awake at 5:00, just like I had been most of the night. I crept downstairs, got dressed, and was in the car by 5:05 for my 20 minute drive across town. At 5:30 a.m., I met my trainer Corey, and the other four ladies in my group. We started by getting weighed and measured. Ugh. I had lost 42 pounds in 2009 on weight watchers, but learned 10 of those had found their way back. Boo! The measurements sucked, but at least we all know we we are starting from and can be look back with pride in 12 weeks when we see how far we came.
Our first workout just about killed me. Seriously. I thought I was fat, but reasonably fit. Nope! Fat and unfit. This was a full body workout for a full 60 minutes. I was exhausted when I left and the rest of the day.
Went to bed at 8:30 this night. Sore and tired. Not looking forward to 5:00 am.
Not to worry! I was wide awake at 5:00, just like I had been most of the night. I crept downstairs, got dressed, and was in the car by 5:05 for my 20 minute drive across town. At 5:30 a.m., I met my trainer Corey, and the other four ladies in my group. We started by getting weighed and measured. Ugh. I had lost 42 pounds in 2009 on weight watchers, but learned 10 of those had found their way back. Boo! The measurements sucked, but at least we all know we we are starting from and can be look back with pride in 12 weeks when we see how far we came.
Our first workout just about killed me. Seriously. I thought I was fat, but reasonably fit. Nope! Fat and unfit. This was a full body workout for a full 60 minutes. I was exhausted when I left and the rest of the day.
Went to bed at 8:30 this night. Sore and tired. Not looking forward to 5:00 am.
The week before it all started
There's nothing like the thought of starting a diet and exercise program to make a person eat more. . .and I did! The week before I started my new adventure I ate horribly. I've never met a donut, bagel, or frosted anything I didn't like. Potato chips, brats, and custard -- bring it on! Guess it was my way of saying goodbye and farewell to my old habits. Of course, I was going to pay for this overindulgence the next week -- and I did!
Giving up Diet Coke
My new training regimen was going to be very expensive, and I had no money to spare. So, in honor of my new focus on wellness, I decided to give up Diet Coke on my birthday. I am somewhat embarrased to say that I drank so much Diet Coke each day, that just by giving it up I could almost fund my personal training program in full each month.
I thought giving up Diet Coke would be really, really hard. I have been drinking Diet Coke since the summer before I left for college 22 years ago. I have had at least 32 oz a day since then (except when I was pregnant when I gave it up), usually much, much more. Buying them each day on the way to work, during work, and after work was part of my routine. But it hasn't been hard at all, surprisingly enough.
I was "fortunate" to get the stomach flu three days before my birthday. I couldn't drink Diet Coke for three days. The thought of it made me nauseous. And on the 4th day, it was my birthday. The habit was already broken. I haven't had a Diet Coke since then. I'm amazed at how little money I spend now that I don't drink Diet Coke.
I thought giving up Diet Coke would be really, really hard. I have been drinking Diet Coke since the summer before I left for college 22 years ago. I have had at least 32 oz a day since then (except when I was pregnant when I gave it up), usually much, much more. Buying them each day on the way to work, during work, and after work was part of my routine. But it hasn't been hard at all, surprisingly enough.
I was "fortunate" to get the stomach flu three days before my birthday. I couldn't drink Diet Coke for three days. The thought of it made me nauseous. And on the 4th day, it was my birthday. The habit was already broken. I haven't had a Diet Coke since then. I'm amazed at how little money I spend now that I don't drink Diet Coke.
The start of the journey
One day in early March, I walked down the hall at work, past a co-worker, opened a door and started down the stairwell. Something then registered in my head, so I turned back around, opened the door again, and said, "Amy??" (not her real name). I have known this co-worker for several years, but did not recognize her at all the first time I passed her. She looked AMAZING.
I got the courage to ask her what she had done to make such a dramatic difference in her appearance, and she told me about a "Biggest Loser" program she had been doing at a Fitness Center for the past 26 weeks. She forwarded me her trainer's name and email. She told me her experience had been life-altering.
After thinking about it for a while, I thought this might be for me. In 2009, I had set a goal in 2009 of getting "fabulous by forty." I lost 42 pounds on weight watchers towards this goal, but did not meet it. I gained 10 pounds back after a stressful late fall where I soothed my anxiety with fast food and frosting.
That night, I emailed Corey, at Hybrid Fitness in Fitchburg. This is the fitness center that won the Madison-wide biggest Loser competition. It is more a personal training facility than a typical gym or fitness center. I explained who I was, and told him that I wanted to transform myself like "Amy." Upon getting his response, I went to the facility the next day, signed the (very expensive) contract and began the countdown towards my new adventure, starting on March 15. I decided personal training and nutrition would be my 40th birthday present to myself. I am going to be fabulous in my forties.
I got the courage to ask her what she had done to make such a dramatic difference in her appearance, and she told me about a "Biggest Loser" program she had been doing at a Fitness Center for the past 26 weeks. She forwarded me her trainer's name and email. She told me her experience had been life-altering.
After thinking about it for a while, I thought this might be for me. In 2009, I had set a goal in 2009 of getting "fabulous by forty." I lost 42 pounds on weight watchers towards this goal, but did not meet it. I gained 10 pounds back after a stressful late fall where I soothed my anxiety with fast food and frosting.
That night, I emailed Corey, at Hybrid Fitness in Fitchburg. This is the fitness center that won the Madison-wide biggest Loser competition. It is more a personal training facility than a typical gym or fitness center. I explained who I was, and told him that I wanted to transform myself like "Amy." Upon getting his response, I went to the facility the next day, signed the (very expensive) contract and began the countdown towards my new adventure, starting on March 15. I decided personal training and nutrition would be my 40th birthday present to myself. I am going to be fabulous in my forties.
Making Forty Fabulous
I noticed I was using Facebook to post almost entirely about my new exercise and eating adventure. Rather than clutter that site with all the trials, tribulations and, of course, successes that will come over the next twelve weeks and year, I thought I'd give blogging a try. So I am.
The past 7 years have rightfully been about my raising Matthew and adjusting to being a family of three. But, as much as I have gained from being a mom, I lost a little of "me" too. And, unfortunately, gained a whole lot of me I'd like to lose! So, I've decided to take my fortieth year and rededicate myself to healthy living and eating and doing things I enjoy--for myself.
This blog will be my public journal about what I'm thinking, feeling and progressing during this journey. I hope you'll learn as much from the journey as I hope to.
So excited to start a new decade, my FABULOUS, FORTIETH decade.
The past 7 years have rightfully been about my raising Matthew and adjusting to being a family of three. But, as much as I have gained from being a mom, I lost a little of "me" too. And, unfortunately, gained a whole lot of me I'd like to lose! So, I've decided to take my fortieth year and rededicate myself to healthy living and eating and doing things I enjoy--for myself.
This blog will be my public journal about what I'm thinking, feeling and progressing during this journey. I hope you'll learn as much from the journey as I hope to.
So excited to start a new decade, my FABULOUS, FORTIETH decade.
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