Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 4, Day 5 (I was deserted!)

Well, my group deserted me today! I was the only person there. It probably sounds good to have received a personal training session to myself at basically no cost, but it wasn't that great. I really missed being part of a small group. We've developed quite a bond over the past 20 days. . .as they say, misery loves company. I enjoy joking around with the others and complaining about the exercises with the others, and mostly, just having the support of three other ladies going through the same process. They UNDERSTAND in a way others can't what it is I am trying to do and how hard it is. We are all facing the same challenges, together.

So, without the support of my group, Corey tried to kill me today. Seriously, my heart rate was in the 170's the entire hour (my MAXIMUM heart rate is 180). When I work out by myself, I usually am in the 120's to 140's, and usually with my group I am consistenly in the upper 140's to about 168 or so. On a rare occasion I reach the low 170's. Today -- almost an hour straight, except for water breaks.

Did I say I hate the kettle balls more than the medicine balls? I take it back. Today was medicine ball hell. For the first half hour every exercise I did (except the Bear Crawl which is its own fun form of torture) used an 8 pound medicine ball -- high knees down the ladder, lunges, squat throws, lateral high knees down the ladder, sprints. Ugh. I was exhausted. Then we did weights, my FAVORITE (hear the sarcasm). And when we finally went to cardio, he made me use 3 pound weights in both hands and do arm lifts because I haven't been able to get my heart rate high enough on the treadmill, even @ a 15 incline (for as out of shape as I am, my heartrate and cardiovascular fitness is really quite excellent). Yes, I got my money's worth and my team's money's worth this morning.

Here's an interesting fact though. I mentioned to Corey that I hate running and he did acknowledge that I do not have a runner's body. Yes! Finally, validation from a professional that my body is not built to run. I feel vindicated for hating to run. I'm built to . . .do something that requires good cardiovascular fitness and lots of lower body power, with little need for upper body strength. Any ideas what that might be (besides birthing babies, and I didn't even get to do that!).

Another hour tonight, and then I need to push it this weekend.


  1. Sorry to hear you were deserted! I agree...a one-on-one session sounds great until you realize how tough it is when you have your trainers undivided attention. Kudos for sticking it out...and burning all those calories with your heart rate that high! I'll be at bootcamp at 7 tomorrow if you care to join me. :)

  2. I will give bootcamp a try some day, but I have to be at Matthew's soccer game early in the morning tomorrow. This is my problem. . .life conflicts with my need to exercise!
