Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New beginnings

I haven't posted in a while and have been trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I'm now in my 12th week of the Biggest Loser program, but am no longer with my original trainer. That's right, Corey and I parted ways last Thursday. The reasons why don't need to be explained any further, and most everyone who reads this blog knows why anyway. Suffice it to say, I am extremely grateful for the 11 weeks of expert fitness advice he provided, but happy to be moving in a different direction that is more compatible with my personality and lifestyle. I'm a little sad that I had to leave my group and that I don't have my starting numbers from 11 weeks ago, but if I really wanted them I could probably get them. I guess it doesn't really matter. In all honesty, it's pretty easy to tell if my weight and inches are going up or down.

Let it be known that I am NOT a quitter and was NOT looking for any excuse to quit, and HAVE NOT quit, despite what my previous trainer said. I may have severed my relationship with my trainer, but I am still committed to completing the program and moving forward with my lifestyle change. Beginning last Friday, I began training with Dustin Maher (& his other trainers) @ his Fit Fun for Life Bootcamps. The major upsides: the location is less than 5 minutes from my house (instead of 25 minutes away), the times work for me, I can shower at home, and there is no evangelizing :) The biggest downsides are that there is a much larger workout group and that there is no fitness center connected to the program. I liked that I could go to Hybrid Fitness and do traditional exercises in addition to the "bootcamp." Plus, I have to apply bug spray! Overall, though, the workouts are about the same. I'm beginning to realize that there are only so many possible variations on the bootcamp theme and boot camp exercises.

The last two workouts I felt so free and so much more joyful. In retrospect, I really needed to make the switch and probably should have made it sooner. Even though I was paying for the privilege of working out, I should have realized that I didn't need to pay for the privilege of working out with one specific person if it wasn't working for me (or for him, if I am being at all truthful). It's just like choosing a hair dresser, doctor, or financial planner: you try people out and hope it is a good fit and if it isn't, you move on. Hopefully, this new situation will be a good fit. And if it isn't, it appears the personal training industry in the Madison area is booming. Someone ought to be a good fit for me, right?

So, I will officially end my Biggest Loser program at the end of this week, but I will continue on. I actually like the exercise, and while I haven't done a perfect job controlling my eating, I have done much better on the program than I did off of it. It's been all good. . .except the bad parts :-)

UPDATE: I will be finishing my last three days at my original fitness center, but with a different trainer. Very excited, except for the 4:25 am wake-up call!

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