It's been a couple weeks since I last posted that I was the smallest, biggest loser. I finished my 12 week program and have been kind of floundering around since then. I've been walking the dog, eating poorly, and trying a few exercise ideas out here and there. A few things I've learned the last couple of weeks: Walking the dog is not a good substitute for an hour of functional training every morning, I will never lift a weight, do a push-up, lunge or squat unless someone tells me to, and I actually MISS my morning workout when I don't do it. Who'd have thought that was possible?
So, I've embarked on round 2 (or 3) of my fitness journey. I still have 25 pounds to go to meet my goal. For those of you keeping track, yes, I was very overweight when I started this endeavor a year ago. Getting closer to my goal, and I can feel it, it is so close, but I keep sabotaging myself.
For round 2/3, I'm keeping it local! I am still going to walk the dog each morning and evening, but in addition to that, I have hired Jeremy who trains @ Anytime Fitness to work with my 2 to 3 days a week on functional/strength training. We have an understanding of what I want and need and how I want to be trained, and he has been very respectful of that so far. The other days--and those days too--I will be responsible for the cardio portion of my workout. And that is easier because I like it :-) Even with just two weeks off, I was sore after Tuesday's workout. That amazes me.
I also start Weight Watchers again in a couple of weeks. Food is what is killing me. I need to do better on my food intake. I eat mostly the right foods, but when I deviate, I deviate BADLY -- donuts, cakes, anything with frosting. I don't drink at all, I don't use condiments, I don't snack on chips for the most part. It's sugar/fat/dessert that kills me. I would rather eat a bowl of frosting or whipped cream all by itself than just about anything else in the world. It's always someone's birthday at work. . .I know, I should "just say no!"
My goal is to lose those 25 pounds by October 6. Yes, that's many weeks (about 20) from now, but that would be about 1 lb a week, which is attainable for me. That would put me at a healthy BMI and also officially put me in the "9 months on, 8 years off club." I don't recommend membership to anyone!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
The new, new beginning
What's next after the Biggest Loser program? I'm not sure yet! Still weighing a number of options, although for sure it will be more than just walking the dog! After an hour walk this morning I had burned. . .200 calories. Very disappointing -- a little more than 1/2 of what I normally burned with Corey and a little less than 1/3 of what I burned with Ryan! Ugh, those numbers will be hard to replace. I will definitely have to either eat better, find another exercise program I can live with, or both!
The Smallest Biggest Loser :-)
Last Friday I finished my 12 week Biggest Loser program. I told you I wasn't a quitter! Suffice it to say, I was NOT the Biggest Loser. In fact, I may have been the Smallest Loser since they started the progam! I have no idea what my final numbers are because I don't have my starting numbers, except for my weight. I could get them, but in the big scheme of things, they don't really matter. Suffice it to say, I lost more than 10 pounds, less than 20. I lost more inches than weight. By comparison, a woman in my latest group has lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks (and no, she is not hugely obese). I suck :-)
I have no one to blame for being the "smallest loser" except myself. While I dutifully showed up every morning (except 2) and completed my hour of exercise, I did not dutifully get my extra hour in every day and I did not restrict my diet as much as I should have. I was much more diligent at the beginning of the program than at the end, but after 6 weeks of 2-a-days and following the diet plan and pretty minimal weight-loss results (did better on the inches), I kind of slacked off. For example, that coffee cake I ate at work yesterday and the General Tso's Chinese food I ate last night. . .definitely not on the nutrition plan. My homemade salad I had at lunch (spinach, mixed greens, grilled chicken, strawberries, blueberries, and feta cheese)-- now that was a good effort! My eating, while definitely not perfect and probably still a nutritionist's nightmare, is much better than it was, though. I am eating better breakfasts, many more fruits and veggies, and more lean protein. I am snacking less (but still some) on empty carb and sugar loaded treats. I haven't had pizza in weeks. I'm still a boredom eater though. I need to focus more on controlling that.
That said, I am still completely happy I did the program as my birthday present to myself and very happy with the results!! It was great overall, despite my daily struggles with the exercises and my trainer for the first 11 1/2 weeks. I am much stronger and more fit than I was when I started, despite not meeting my weight-loss goal. Today, I did tons of pushups and crunchy type things with a medicine ball without even being that tired at the end. Who would've thought I would be able to do 20+ pushups in a row? Not me! I even ran up and down a very big hill today -- IN THE RAIN -- and survived. I have dropped 2 clothing sizes, which is pretty good considering the minimal weight-loss. I successfully lost all the weight I had gained back (after Weight Watchers) when my dad and grandma were sick late last year. During that time I was stress-eating constantly. Heck, I even overate the disgusting Thanksgiving dinner they served at the hospital! Note to dad and grandma (and everyone else I love and care about) -- STAY HEALTHY!!! My health apparently depends on your health :-)
I also learned that "not having time" for exercise is just an excuse. Getting up @ 5 am (and then @ 4:25 am) sucked. I complained about it every day. But, it certainly was possible, and I wasn't any MORE tired than I was when I just stayed in bed. This morning I was so energized after the workout I was in disbelief when I looked at the clock in the car and it read 6:15. Seriously, 12 weeks ago I wouldn't have even been out of bed @ 6:15, and I would have been exhausted all day. And there are other ways to get exercise in, too. I walk the hill @ work at lunch. Women on my floor walk laps around the floor on their breaks. I walk to soccer games. I can run around the backyard with Matthew instead of sitting in front of the computer surfing my boards (which I love to do). There is time for exercise, it's just a matter of committing to it.
What's next for me? I have no idea at this point. There are so many ideas going through my head. I still have about 25 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight, which would put me in the upper range of a "normal" BMI for my height (but still nowhere near my lowest weight -- which I attained when I was 27 years old). I shed the obese label, but I don't want to be "overweight" either -- I want to be healthy. I have morning dog walking (or possibly running) duty in my future, but in reality, that is not enough exercise to burn the type of calories that I need to burn. There are morning bootcamp options in McFarland, and there are morning group exercise classes in fitness centers near and far. I could also just hie thee to the nearest fitness center and continue on my own. However, I think I've proven over the last 7 years that I am not motivated enough and do not push myself hard enough to do this on my own. I really like the group aspect. To be perfectly honest, the program costing major money was also a huge motivator. Not going to a fitness center that is costing $30/month is pretty easy to do. Not attending a fitness program costing hundreds of dollars a month is much harder; this program cost real money. Lots of options and choices on the exercise front and I'll make a decision soon.
As for the eating. . .well, I need to get back on the good eating bandwagon. That would be a lot easier if I like vegetables and enjoyed cooking. I was pretty successful at Weight Watchers when I did it (fell off the wagon when my dad got hurt), and maybe I should just start-up again. It has the weekly accountability factor that the Biggest Loser program did, and it offers a lot of positive reinforcement, which I have determined I really need. Sometimes I need praise for not making the worst possible choice, even if I could have made a better choice.
Finally (after all of this) a shout out to some special people who helped get me through all this with their support.
To Jim and Matthew -- I love you both more than anything and thank you for giving me 12 weeks where I was long gone before you even got up. Those morning phone calls perked me up when I'd arrive at work exhausted and (sometimes) mad. Matthew, if being a fish biologist doesn't work out for you when you are older, you could always be a trainer. Sometimes you were harder on me than Corey!
To Jenny and Amy, and the other Biggest Loser participants: Thank you for your support and for letting me join your group at the end! My final three days were my favorite three days. You guys ROCK!!!! You know how hard this is and your success and dedication is so motivating and inspirational. Keep it up. Attain your goals. Keep Ryan in check. Don't be me :-)
To all my other friends who have followed my journey: THANK YOU for your positive feedback and support. When I wasn't getting the positive reinforcement I needed from my trainer, I could always count on you guys to give me a push, nudge me forward, encourage me to keep going. Some of you I see daily and some I haven't seen in 20 years. Some of you are in great shape and have never struggled with your weight. Some of you have always struggled with your weight. And, some of you are like me. . .former athletes, formerly in good shape, who couldn't keep it all together with kids, a full-time job, volunteer work and all the other responsibilities of modern life. I appreciate ALL of your support more than you can possibly ever know.
I have no one to blame for being the "smallest loser" except myself. While I dutifully showed up every morning (except 2) and completed my hour of exercise, I did not dutifully get my extra hour in every day and I did not restrict my diet as much as I should have. I was much more diligent at the beginning of the program than at the end, but after 6 weeks of 2-a-days and following the diet plan and pretty minimal weight-loss results (did better on the inches), I kind of slacked off. For example, that coffee cake I ate at work yesterday and the General Tso's Chinese food I ate last night. . .definitely not on the nutrition plan. My homemade salad I had at lunch (spinach, mixed greens, grilled chicken, strawberries, blueberries, and feta cheese)-- now that was a good effort! My eating, while definitely not perfect and probably still a nutritionist's nightmare, is much better than it was, though. I am eating better breakfasts, many more fruits and veggies, and more lean protein. I am snacking less (but still some) on empty carb and sugar loaded treats. I haven't had pizza in weeks. I'm still a boredom eater though. I need to focus more on controlling that.
That said, I am still completely happy I did the program as my birthday present to myself and very happy with the results!! It was great overall, despite my daily struggles with the exercises and my trainer for the first 11 1/2 weeks. I am much stronger and more fit than I was when I started, despite not meeting my weight-loss goal. Today, I did tons of pushups and crunchy type things with a medicine ball without even being that tired at the end. Who would've thought I would be able to do 20+ pushups in a row? Not me! I even ran up and down a very big hill today -- IN THE RAIN -- and survived. I have dropped 2 clothing sizes, which is pretty good considering the minimal weight-loss. I successfully lost all the weight I had gained back (after Weight Watchers) when my dad and grandma were sick late last year. During that time I was stress-eating constantly. Heck, I even overate the disgusting Thanksgiving dinner they served at the hospital! Note to dad and grandma (and everyone else I love and care about) -- STAY HEALTHY!!! My health apparently depends on your health :-)
I also learned that "not having time" for exercise is just an excuse. Getting up @ 5 am (and then @ 4:25 am) sucked. I complained about it every day. But, it certainly was possible, and I wasn't any MORE tired than I was when I just stayed in bed. This morning I was so energized after the workout I was in disbelief when I looked at the clock in the car and it read 6:15. Seriously, 12 weeks ago I wouldn't have even been out of bed @ 6:15, and I would have been exhausted all day. And there are other ways to get exercise in, too. I walk the hill @ work at lunch. Women on my floor walk laps around the floor on their breaks. I walk to soccer games. I can run around the backyard with Matthew instead of sitting in front of the computer surfing my boards (which I love to do). There is time for exercise, it's just a matter of committing to it.
What's next for me? I have no idea at this point. There are so many ideas going through my head. I still have about 25 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight, which would put me in the upper range of a "normal" BMI for my height (but still nowhere near my lowest weight -- which I attained when I was 27 years old). I shed the obese label, but I don't want to be "overweight" either -- I want to be healthy. I have morning dog walking (or possibly running) duty in my future, but in reality, that is not enough exercise to burn the type of calories that I need to burn. There are morning bootcamp options in McFarland, and there are morning group exercise classes in fitness centers near and far. I could also just hie thee to the nearest fitness center and continue on my own. However, I think I've proven over the last 7 years that I am not motivated enough and do not push myself hard enough to do this on my own. I really like the group aspect. To be perfectly honest, the program costing major money was also a huge motivator. Not going to a fitness center that is costing $30/month is pretty easy to do. Not attending a fitness program costing hundreds of dollars a month is much harder; this program cost real money. Lots of options and choices on the exercise front and I'll make a decision soon.
As for the eating. . .well, I need to get back on the good eating bandwagon. That would be a lot easier if I like vegetables and enjoyed cooking. I was pretty successful at Weight Watchers when I did it (fell off the wagon when my dad got hurt), and maybe I should just start-up again. It has the weekly accountability factor that the Biggest Loser program did, and it offers a lot of positive reinforcement, which I have determined I really need. Sometimes I need praise for not making the worst possible choice, even if I could have made a better choice.
Finally (after all of this) a shout out to some special people who helped get me through all this with their support.
To Jim and Matthew -- I love you both more than anything and thank you for giving me 12 weeks where I was long gone before you even got up. Those morning phone calls perked me up when I'd arrive at work exhausted and (sometimes) mad. Matthew, if being a fish biologist doesn't work out for you when you are older, you could always be a trainer. Sometimes you were harder on me than Corey!
To Jenny and Amy, and the other Biggest Loser participants: Thank you for your support and for letting me join your group at the end! My final three days were my favorite three days. You guys ROCK!!!! You know how hard this is and your success and dedication is so motivating and inspirational. Keep it up. Attain your goals. Keep Ryan in check. Don't be me :-)
To all my other friends who have followed my journey: THANK YOU for your positive feedback and support. When I wasn't getting the positive reinforcement I needed from my trainer, I could always count on you guys to give me a push, nudge me forward, encourage me to keep going. Some of you I see daily and some I haven't seen in 20 years. Some of you are in great shape and have never struggled with your weight. Some of you have always struggled with your weight. And, some of you are like me. . .former athletes, formerly in good shape, who couldn't keep it all together with kids, a full-time job, volunteer work and all the other responsibilities of modern life. I appreciate ALL of your support more than you can possibly ever know.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week 12, Day 4
Only one more day to go and my 12 weeks are over!!! I can't believe it. Time crawled and then went really fast. The amazing thing is that my workout today was as hard for me as the first week. I know I have definitely gotten stronger and progressed but the trainer is able to keep it hard.
Today we did a lot of cardio again (2 more times up and down the hill), and also did some dumbbell and kettle ball stuff. Pushups down the floor ladder with arm curls. Nice. . . Not to mention running around the building with 10 pound weights in each hand. We all remarked how weird it was to think that we had each lost more than 2x that but it seemed so heavy while running! Pushup burpees with a Bosu ball followed by a bunny-hop.
Tomorrow we get to play basketball. I'm psyched. This has been a good way to end my 12 weeks. I'm very happy.
Today we did a lot of cardio again (2 more times up and down the hill), and also did some dumbbell and kettle ball stuff. Pushups down the floor ladder with arm curls. Nice. . . Not to mention running around the building with 10 pound weights in each hand. We all remarked how weird it was to think that we had each lost more than 2x that but it seemed so heavy while running! Pushup burpees with a Bosu ball followed by a bunny-hop.
Tomorrow we get to play basketball. I'm psyched. This has been a good way to end my 12 weeks. I'm very happy.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Week 12, Day 3
I've been kind of schizoid about my workouts the last week! I've done four workouts with four different trainers in two different locations! Yikes!! Today was fun. I officially switched training groups for my last three days of the Biggest Loser program. Ryan is my new trainer, and I really like him. It's all good, except the 4:25 am wake-up call. Holy cow that is early. It was worth it though, today. I burned almost 700 calories in the same amount of time I usually burn 300-350. That is CRAZY. Lots of running, though. Not sure I loved that, but for 3 days. . . I can handle it for 3 days, especially if I lose some weight!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
New beginnings
I haven't posted in a while and have been trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I'm now in my 12th week of the Biggest Loser program, but am no longer with my original trainer. That's right, Corey and I parted ways last Thursday. The reasons why don't need to be explained any further, and most everyone who reads this blog knows why anyway. Suffice it to say, I am extremely grateful for the 11 weeks of expert fitness advice he provided, but happy to be moving in a different direction that is more compatible with my personality and lifestyle. I'm a little sad that I had to leave my group and that I don't have my starting numbers from 11 weeks ago, but if I really wanted them I could probably get them. I guess it doesn't really matter. In all honesty, it's pretty easy to tell if my weight and inches are going up or down.
Let it be known that I am NOT a quitter and was NOT looking for any excuse to quit, and HAVE NOT quit, despite what my previous trainer said. I may have severed my relationship with my trainer, but I am still committed to completing the program and moving forward with my lifestyle change. Beginning last Friday, I began training with Dustin Maher (& his other trainers) @ his Fit Fun for Life Bootcamps. The major upsides: the location is less than 5 minutes from my house (instead of 25 minutes away), the times work for me, I can shower at home, and there is no evangelizing :) The biggest downsides are that there is a much larger workout group and that there is no fitness center connected to the program. I liked that I could go to Hybrid Fitness and do traditional exercises in addition to the "bootcamp." Plus, I have to apply bug spray! Overall, though, the workouts are about the same. I'm beginning to realize that there are only so many possible variations on the bootcamp theme and boot camp exercises.
The last two workouts I felt so free and so much more joyful. In retrospect, I really needed to make the switch and probably should have made it sooner. Even though I was paying for the privilege of working out, I should have realized that I didn't need to pay for the privilege of working out with one specific person if it wasn't working for me (or for him, if I am being at all truthful). It's just like choosing a hair dresser, doctor, or financial planner: you try people out and hope it is a good fit and if it isn't, you move on. Hopefully, this new situation will be a good fit. And if it isn't, it appears the personal training industry in the Madison area is booming. Someone ought to be a good fit for me, right?
So, I will officially end my Biggest Loser program at the end of this week, but I will continue on. I actually like the exercise, and while I haven't done a perfect job controlling my eating, I have done much better on the program than I did off of it. It's been all good. . .except the bad parts :-)
UPDATE: I will be finishing my last three days at my original fitness center, but with a different trainer. Very excited, except for the 4:25 am wake-up call!
Let it be known that I am NOT a quitter and was NOT looking for any excuse to quit, and HAVE NOT quit, despite what my previous trainer said. I may have severed my relationship with my trainer, but I am still committed to completing the program and moving forward with my lifestyle change. Beginning last Friday, I began training with Dustin Maher (& his other trainers) @ his Fit Fun for Life Bootcamps. The major upsides: the location is less than 5 minutes from my house (instead of 25 minutes away), the times work for me, I can shower at home, and there is no evangelizing :) The biggest downsides are that there is a much larger workout group and that there is no fitness center connected to the program. I liked that I could go to Hybrid Fitness and do traditional exercises in addition to the "bootcamp." Plus, I have to apply bug spray! Overall, though, the workouts are about the same. I'm beginning to realize that there are only so many possible variations on the bootcamp theme and boot camp exercises.
The last two workouts I felt so free and so much more joyful. In retrospect, I really needed to make the switch and probably should have made it sooner. Even though I was paying for the privilege of working out, I should have realized that I didn't need to pay for the privilege of working out with one specific person if it wasn't working for me (or for him, if I am being at all truthful). It's just like choosing a hair dresser, doctor, or financial planner: you try people out and hope it is a good fit and if it isn't, you move on. Hopefully, this new situation will be a good fit. And if it isn't, it appears the personal training industry in the Madison area is booming. Someone ought to be a good fit for me, right?
So, I will officially end my Biggest Loser program at the end of this week, but I will continue on. I actually like the exercise, and while I haven't done a perfect job controlling my eating, I have done much better on the program than I did off of it. It's been all good. . .except the bad parts :-)
UPDATE: I will be finishing my last three days at my original fitness center, but with a different trainer. Very excited, except for the 4:25 am wake-up call!
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